
Linux vs Windows –哪个是最适合您的操作系统?

Whether you use shared hosting, VPS, a dedicated server or the cloud, when it comes to hosting your website or other applications, your choice of operating system (OS) boils down to either Linux or Windows. Which you choose depends on the needs of your business, the applications you wish to run, your technical expertise and your budget. In this post, we’ll take a look at both OS to see their advantages and disadvantages.

无论是使用共享托管,VPS,专用服务器还是云,在托管网站或其他应用程序时,您选择的操作系统(OS)都可以归结为Linux或Windows。 选择哪种取决于业务需求,希望运行的应用程序,技术专长和预算。 在本文中,我们将对这两种操作系统进行一下分析,以了解它们的优缺点。

Windows Server操作系统 (The Windows Server operating system)

With Windows, you know you are getting anoperating system created by the world’s leading software company, Microsoft.However, as a proprietary software with professional support, it comes with acost. Linux, on the other hand, which is open-source and community-developed,is free.

使用Windows,您知道您正在获得由世界领先的软件公司Microsoft创建的操作系统。 但是,作为具有专业支持的专有软件,它需要付费。 另一方面,开源和社区开发的Linux是免费的。

Relatively simple to set up, Windows ismore or less a complete solution, offering the flexibility of remote desktopaccess with the intuitive user-friendliness of a graphical user interface.Additionally, and unlike Linux, it provides this without the need to undertake command-lineprogramming.

Windows相对容易设置,或多或少是一个完整的解决方案,它提供了远程桌面访问的灵活性以及图形用户界面的直观用户友好性。 此外,与Linux不同,它无需进行命令行编程即可提供此功能。

Those companies using other Microsoftsoftware, such as Office 365, find obvious advantages in using Windows, as thenative OS is fully compatible, out of the box, with other Microsoft applications.The same goes for using Microsoft SQL databases. Indeed, these are incompatiblewith Linux unless you use a Windows emulator – and to do this you would stillneed to buy the Windows OS and the database software. As this is the case, itcan make more sense for Microsoft SQL users to stick with Windows.

那些使用其他Microsoft软件(例如Office 365)的公司在使用Windows时发现了明显的优势,因为本机OS与其他Microsoft应用程序完全兼容。 使用Microsoft SQL数据库也是如此。 的确,除非您使用Windows模拟器,否则它们与Linux不兼容–为此,您仍然需要购买Windows OS和数据库软件。 在这种情况下,Microsoft SQL用户坚持使用Windows可能更有意义。

Similarly, Windows is the solution for those organisations that need to use scripting frameworks, such as ASP and ASP.NET, as the embedded scripts in an ASP can only run on Windows servers. Linux is unable to processes these scripts before a user’s page can load.

同样,对于那些需要使用脚本框架(例如ASP和ASP.NET)的组织来说,Windows是解决方案,因为ASP中的嵌入式脚本只能在Windows服务器上运行。 在加载用户页面之前,Linux无法处理这些脚本。

Linux操作系统 (The Linux operating system)

Linux benefits considerably from being open-sourceand this has enabled several operating system distributions to be developed,including Fedora, Ubuntu and CentOS. Additionally, and unlike Windows, developerscan take its freely available source code and make any changes or enhancementsto its software functions, which not only helps users to eradicate bugs andvulnerabilities, but to edit features in order for it to do new things and workwith prototype applications.

Linux从开源中受益匪浅,这使得可以开发多个操作系统发行版,包括Fedora,Ubuntu和CentOS。 此外,与Windows不同,开发人员可以获取其免费可用的源代码并对其软件功能进行任何更改或增强,这不仅可以帮助用户消除错误和漏洞,还可以编辑功能以使其能够做新的事情和工作。与原型应用程序。

From a financial perspective, beingopen-source means there is no software licence to pay for and so, in comparisonto Windows, using it is more cost-effective as your provider won’t need tocharge you for it.


While Windows is compatible with Microsoftsoftware, Linux works with most open-source software, like WordPress, meaningsoftware licencing can be less expensive across the board. What’s useful isthat Linux also enables users to run Microsoft programs as well, giving it abroader versatility, including the ability to use legacy applications whichrequire a Windows emulator – though obviously, the user will need to pay forusing any proprietary software.

Windows与Microsoft软件兼容,而Linux与大多数开源软件(如WordPress)一起使用,这意味着软件许可的整体成本可能更低。 有用的是,Linux还使用户也可以运行Microsoft程序,从而使其具有更大的通用性,包括使用需要Windows模拟器的旧应用程序的能力-尽管显然,用户需要为使用任何专有软件付费。

Linux servers also offer other advantages.Their applications generally aren’t as resource-hungry, making them less liableto become sluggish under heavy workloads, and if needed, the servers can be modifiedwithout rebooting. 

Linux服务器还具有其他优势。 它们的应用程序通常不会占用大量资源,因此在繁重的工作负载下它们变得不那么懒惰,并且如果需要,可以在不重新启动服务器的情况下修改服务器。

Another advantage is that Linux is more secure than Windows. This is simply down to the fact that, as the World’s leading OS, Windows has become the main target for hackers. The vast number of PCs using Windows just means there are more Windows computers to attack and so this makes it a more attractive OS to target.

另一个优点是Linux比Windows更安全。 这完全是因为Windows作为世界领先的操作系统已成为黑客的主要攻击目标。 使用Windows的PC数量众多,这意味着有更多Windows计算机可以攻击,因此这使其成为更具吸引力的OS。

其他注意事项 (Other considerations)

Generally, Windows is easier to install andmanage than Linux. However, as many companies are now making use of managedserver hosting, this task is increasingly being done by the hosting provider.However, it may be a consideration for those purchasing an in-house system.

通常,Windows比Linux更容易安装和管理。 但是,由于许多公司现在都在使用托管服务器托管,因此托管提供商越来越多地完成此任务。 但是,对于那些购买内部系统的人来说,这可能是一个考虑因素。

The same logic applies to technical support, which together with updates and patching comes included with a Windows package. If you use a Linux OS, in-house users will need to provide their own support or buy it in. Of course, this isn’t the case where the server is hosted for you, as with both systems, technical support, updating and patching will be included in the hosting package.

相同的逻辑适用于技术支持,Windows软件包随附了这些支持以及更新和修补程序。 如果您使用Linux操作系统,则内部用户将需要提供他们自己的支持或购买它。当然,服务器托管给您的情况并非如此,系统,技术支持,更新和修补程序将包含在主机包中。

结论 (Conclusion)

Windows and Linux are both excellentoperating systems that have their own advantages and constraints. Your choicedepends on the applications you use now and intend to use in the future, yourexpertise and familiarity with the systems and whether they provide you withthe means to achieve your business goals. Pricing is also a consideration;however, if Windows is the best option in terms of what you need to achieve,then it is worth paying for.

Windows和Linux都是出色的操作系统,具有各自的优势和局限性。 您的选择取决于您现在使用和将来打算使用的应用程序,您的专业知识和对系统的熟悉程度以及它们是否为您提供实现业务目标的手段。 定价也是一个考虑因素; 但是,如果Windows是您需要实现的最佳选择,那么它值得您付出。

If you are looking for Windows or Linux hosting, visit our homepage to see our range of shared, VPS, cloud and dedicated servers – all available on both OS.

如果您正在寻找Windows或Linux托管, 请访问我们的主页以查看我们的共享,VPS,云和专用服务器的范围–所有操作系统均可用。


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