
获取 Google PR 值 ASP(vbs)版 (使用最新算法)


<%\' Feature     :   Get Google PageRank\' Version     :   v0.1 beta\' Author      :   Liaoyizhi(Liaoyizhi[at]\' Update Date :   2010/03/25 23:20\' Description :   Get Google PageRank With Asp\'Option ExplicitPrivate Const OFFSET_4 = 4294967296Private Const MAXINT_4 = 2147483647Private Function zeroFill(ByVal a, ByVal b)Dim zz = &H80000000If ((z And a) <> 0) Thena = BitRShift(a, 1)a = a And Not za = a Or &H40000000a = BitRShift(a, b - 1)Elsea = BitRShift(a, b)End IfzeroFill = aEnd FunctionPrivate Function uw_WordAdd(ByVal wordA, ByVal wordB)\' Adds words A and B avoiding overflowDim myUnsignedmyUnsigned = LongToUnsigned(wordA) + LongToUnsigned(wordB)\' Cope with overflowIf myUnsigned > OFFSET_4 ThenmyUnsigned = myUnsigned - OFFSET_4End Ifuw_WordAdd = UnsignedToLong(myUnsigned)End FunctionPrivate Function uw_WordSub(ByVal wordA, ByVal wordB)\' Subtract words A and B avoiding underflowDim myUnsignedmyUnsigned = LongToUnsigned(wordA) - LongToUnsigned(wordB)\' Cope with underflowIf myUnsigned < 0 ThenmyUnsigned = myUnsigned + OFFSET_4End Ifuw_WordSub = UnsignedToLong(myUnsigned)End FunctionPrivate Function UnsignedToLong(value)If value < 0 Or value >= OFFSET_4 Then Error 6 \' OverflowIf value <= MAXINT_4 ThenUnsignedToLong = valueElseUnsignedToLong = value - OFFSET_4End IfEnd FunctionPrivate Function LongToUnsigned(value)If value < 0 ThenLongToUnsigned = value + OFFSET_4ElseLongToUnsigned = valueEnd IfEnd FunctionPrivate Function BitLShift(ByVal x, n)If n = 0 ThenBitLShift = xElseDim kk = 2 ^ (32 - n - 1)Dim dd = x And (k - 1)Dim cc = d * 2 ^ nIf x And k Thenc = c Or &H80000000End IfBitLShift = cEnd IfEnd FunctionPrivate Function BitRShift(ByVal x, n)If n = 0 ThenBitRShift = xElseDim yy = x And &H7FFFFFFFDim zIf n = 32 - 1 Thenz = 0Elsez = y \\ 2 ^ nEnd IfIf y <> x Thenz = z Or 2 ^ (32 - n - 1)End IfBitRShift = zEnd IfEnd FunctionPrivate Function mix(ByVal a, ByVal b, ByVal c)a = uw_WordSub(a, b): a = uw_WordSub(a, c): a = a Xor (zeroFill(c, 13))b = uw_WordSub(b, c): b = uw_WordSub(b, a): b = b Xor BitLShift(a, 8)c = uw_WordSub(c, a): c = uw_WordSub(c, b): c = c Xor zeroFill(b, 13)a = uw_WordSub(a, b): a = uw_WordSub(a, c): a = a Xor zeroFill(c, 12)b = uw_WordSub(b, c): b = uw_WordSub(b, a): b = b Xor BitLShift(a, 16)c = uw_WordSub(c, a): c = uw_WordSub(c, b): c = c Xor zeroFill(b, 5)a = uw_WordSub(a, b): a = uw_WordSub(a, c): a = a Xor zeroFill(c, 3)b = uw_WordSub(b, c): b = uw_WordSub(b, a): b = b Xor BitLShift(a, 10)c = uw_WordSub(c, a): c = uw_WordSub(c, b): c = c Xor zeroFill(b, 15)Dim m(2)m(0) = am(1) = bm(2) = cmix = mEnd FunctionPrivate Function GoogleCH(url(), length)Dim init, a, b, cinit = &HE6359A60a = &H9E3779B9b = &H9E3779B9c = &HE6359A60Dim k, lk = 0l = lengthDim mixoWhile (l >= 12)a = uw_WordAdd(a, url(k + 0))a = uw_WordAdd(a, BitLShift(url(k + 1), 8))a = uw_WordAdd(a, BitLShift(url(k + 2), 16))a = uw_WordAdd(a, BitLShift(url(k + 3), 24))b = uw_WordAdd(b, url(k + 4))b = uw_WordAdd(b, BitLShift(url(k + 5), 8))b = uw_WordAdd(b, BitLShift(url(k + 6), 16))b = uw_WordAdd(b, BitLShift(url(k + 7), 24))c = uw_WordAdd(c, url(k + 8))c = uw_WordAdd(c, BitLShift(url(k + 9), 8))c = uw_WordAdd(c, BitLShift(url(k + 10), 16))c = uw_WordAdd(c, BitLShift(url(k + 11), 24))mixo = mix(a, b, c)a = mixo(0): b = mixo(1): c = mixo(2)k = k + 12l = l - 12Wendc = c + lengthIf l >= 11 Then c = uw_WordAdd(c, BitLShift(url(k + 10), 24))If l >= 10 Then c = uw_WordAdd(c, BitLShift(url(k + 9), 16))If l >= 9 Then c = uw_WordAdd(c, BitLShift(url(k + 8), 8))If l >= 8 Then b = uw_WordAdd(b, BitLShift(url(k + 7), 24))If l >= 7 Then b = uw_WordAdd(b, BitLShift(url(k + 6), 16))If l >= 6 Then b = uw_WordAdd(b, BitLShift(url(k + 5), 8))If l >= 5 Then b = uw_WordAdd(b, url(k + 4))If l >= 4 Then a = uw_WordAdd(a, BitLShift(url(k + 3), 24))If l >= 3 Then a = uw_WordAdd(a, BitLShift(url(k + 2), 16))If l >= 2 Then a = uw_WordAdd(a, BitLShift(url(k + 1), 8))If l >= 1 Then a = uw_WordAdd(a, url(k + 0))mixo = mix(a, b, c)If (mixo(2) < 0) ThenGoogleCH = mixo(2) + 2 ^ 32ElseGoogleCH = mixo(2)End IfEnd FunctionPrivate Function StrConv(ByVal s)Dim tmpArr(),iReDim tmpArr(Len(s))For i = 0 To Len(s) - 1tmpArr(i) = Asc(Mid(s,i+1,1))NextStrConv = tmpArrEnd FunctionPrivate Function c32to8bit(arr32())Dim arr8()ReDim arr8(4 * (UBound(arr32) + 1) - 1)Dim i, bitOrderFor i = 0 To UBound(arr32)For bitOrder = i * 4 To i * 4 + 3arr8(bitOrder) = arr32(i) And 255arr32(i) = zeroFill(arr32(i), 8)NextNextc32to8bit = arr8End FunctionPrivate Function GoogleNewCh(ByVal ch)Dim prbuf(19), iprbuf(0) = (BitLShift(Fix(ch / 7), 2) Or ((ch - 13 * Fix(ch / 13)) And 7))\'prbuf(0) = (BitLShift((ch / 7), 2) Or ((ch Mod 13) And 7))For i = 1 To 19prbuf(i) = prbuf(i - 1) - 9NextGoogleNewCh = GoogleCH(c32to8bit(prbuf), 80)End FunctionPrivate Function UrlEncode(ByVal urlText)Dim iDim ansiDim asciiDim encTextansi = StrConv(urlText)encText = \"\"For i = 0 To UBound(ansi)ascii = ansi(i)Select Case asciiCase 48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57, 65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90, 97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122encText = encText & Chr(ascii)Case 32encText = encText & \"+\"Case ElseIf ascii < 16 ThenencText = encText & \"%0\" & Hex(ascii)ElseencText = encText & \"%\" & Hex(ascii)End IfEnd SelectNextUrlEncode = encTextEnd FunctionPublic Function GetPageRank(url)Dim reqgr, reqgrereqgr = \"info:\" & urlreqgre = \"info:\" & UrlEncode(url)Dim bUrlbUrl = StrConv(reqgr)Dim gchgch = GoogleCH(bUrl, Len(reqgr))gch = GoogleNewCh(gch)Dim querystringquerystring = \"\" & gch & \"&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&features=Rank:FVN&q=\" & reqgreDim xmlSet xml = Server.CreateObject(\"Microsoft.XMLHTTP\")xml.Open \"GET\", querystring, Falsexml.setRequestHeader \"User-Agent\", \"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; GoogleToolbar 2.0.114-big; Windows XP 5.1)\"xml.sendGetPageRank = \"\"Dim resres = xml.responseTextSet xml = NothingIf Len(res) > 2 ThenDim pos, pos1pos = InStr(res, \"Rank_\")pos1 = InStr(pos, res, Chr(10))If pos > 0 And pos1 > 0 Thenres = Mid(res, pos, pos1 - pos)Dim xx = Split(res, \":\", 3)GetPageRank = x(2)End IfEnd IfEnd Function%>


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