


Anyone who lands up on your website would need a reason to stay. CSS i.e Cascading Style Sheets gives you that reason. CSS is basically a way to style your web pages and also to create animations. CSS Animations let you inspirit your website. No matter how useful content you have supplied on the website, everyone will not take out time to read it fully. Animations grab the attention of the user which leads to better conversions. Animations enhance the user experience and add value to your pages. To begin with, start with the two basic building blocks of CSS3:

登陆您网站的任何人都需要留下理由。 CSS(即层叠样式表)为您提供了这个原因。 CSS基本上是一种设置网页样式和创建动画的方法。 CSS动画可让您激发网站灵感。 无论您在网站上提供了多么有用的内容,每个人都不会花费时间充分阅读它。 动画吸引了用户的注意力,从而带来了更好的转换。 动画可以增强用户体验,并为您的页面增加价值。 首先,从CSS3的两个基本构建块开始:

1.关键帧: (1. Keyframes:)

Using this property, you can define stage and style of the animations. Keyframes are the foundation for animation in CSS. They define the look of animation at each stage of the animation timeline. It is written as


and each of them has the following components: (a) Name: It includes the name of the animation which is written just after


. (b) Stage: The stage of the animation can be depicted in terms of percentage. From 0% being the beginning stage to 100% being the ending stage you can define any stage and also the intermediate stages. (c) CSS Styles: You can use various CSS properties at each stage of the animation.

使用此属性,可以定义动画的阶段和样式。 关键帧是CSS中动画的基础。 它们定义了动画时间轴每个阶段的动画外观。 它以




之后编写的动画的名称。 (b)阶段:动画的阶段可以用百分比表示。 从0%是开始阶段到100%是结束阶段,您可以定义任何阶段以及中间阶段。 (c)CSS样式:您可以在动画的每个阶段使用各种CSS属性。



@keyframes bounceOut {0% {transform: scale (0.1);}45% {transform: scale (5.5);}100% {transform: scale (0.1)}}@keyframes testIn {From {opacity: 1;}To    {opacity: 0;}}
@keyframes bounceOut {0% {transform: scale (0.1);}45% {transform: scale (5.5);}100% {transform: scale (0.1)}}@keyframes testIn {From {opacity: 1;}To    {opacity: 0;}}


2.动画属性: (2. Animation Properties:)

Once you have defined the stages and styles of the animation, you need to actually define how the animation should work. Animation property is used to call the


inside the CSS selector. Therefore the purpose of using Animation properties is: (a) To assign


to the elements you wish to animate. (b) To define the behavior of the animations There are multiple animation properties but the two most important are: 1. animation-name: Same as the name defined in


. 2. animation-duration: It defines the duration of the animation, say 5 seconds or 10 seconds.

定义动画的阶段和样式后,需要实际定义动画的工作方式。 Animation属性用于在CSS选择器中调用


。 因此,使用Animation属性的目的是:(a)将


分配给要设置动画的元素。 (b)定义动画的行为有多个动画属性,但是两个最重要的属性是:1. animation-name:与


定义的名称相同。 2.动画持续时间:它定义动画的持续时间,例如5秒或10秒。



test {animation-duration: 4s;animation-name: bounceOut;}
test {animation-duration: 4s;animation-name: bounceOut;}


让我们看看更多的动画属性以及如何有效地使用它们。 (Let us see more animation properties and how to use them effectively.)

  1. Syntax:


    animation-timing-function: ease-in;

    animation-timing-function: ease-in;

  2. Syntax:




  3. (i) #: It depicts a specific number.


    (ii) infinite: It lets the animation run forever.


    (iii) initial: It sets its value to default.


    (iv) inherit: It lets the element inherit the value from its parent.




    animation-iteration-count: 3;

    animation-iteration-count: 3;

  4. (i) normal: The animation plays forward when we choose normal.


    (ii) reverse: With this option, the animation plays backward.


    (iii) alternate: The animation plays alternatively i.e. once forward then backward and so on.




    animation-direction : alternate;

    animation-direction : alternate;

  5. (i) backwards: The styles are inherited from the initial



    . (Before the beginning of the animation)


    。 (在动画开始之前)

    (ii) forwards: It lets the element retrain the styles from the final



    . (After the end of the animation)


    。 (动画结束后)

    (iii) both: It will collaborate the rules of both backwards and forward mode.


    (iv) normal: It does not apply any styles to the element.




    animation-fill-mode: both;

    animation-fill-mode: both;

  6. (i) playing: It depicts the running state of the animation.


    (ii) paused: It depicts the paused state of the animation.




    animation-play-state: paused;

    animation-play-state: paused;

Let us create a blinking effect using the above properties:


.element {animation-name: Blink;animation-duration: 6s;animation-delay: 1s;animation-iteration-count: infinite;animation-timing-function: linear;animation-direction: alternate;}
.element {animation-name: Blink;animation-duration: 6s;animation-delay: 1s;animation-iteration-count: infinite;animation-timing-function: linear;animation-direction: alternate;}


This will create a blinking effect which has the delay of 1 second and total duration of the animation is 6 seconds. It count is infinite so there is no limit to the animation and its direction is alternate.

这将创建一个闪烁效果,该效果具有1秒的延迟,动画的总持续时间为6秒。 它的数量是无限的,因此动画没有限制,并且其方向是交替的。

添加多个动画 (Adding multiple animations)

You can also add multiple animations with the use of a comma separator in the CSS file. Example:

您还可以在CSS文件中使用逗号分隔符来添加多个动画。 例:

.element {animation: Fade 4s 1s infinite linear alternate,Rotate 4s 1s infinite linear alternate;}
.element {animation: Fade 4s 1s infinite linear alternate,Rotate 4s 1s infinite linear alternate;}


Here we have used the animation shorthand in which we do not need to write the property name but we directly write the values. So, Fade is the animation-name, 4s is the animation-duration, 1s is the animation-delay, infinite is the animation-iteration-count, linear is the animation-timing-function and alternate is the animation-direction. In the above example we have added two animations to one element; Fade and Rotate. Note: You need to define Fade and Rotate in



在这里,我们使用了动画的简写形式,不需要编写属性名称,而是直接编写值。 因此,Fade是动画名称,4s是动画持续时间,1s是动画延迟,无限是动画迭代次数,线性是动画定时功能,alternate是动画方向。 在上面的示例中,我们向一个元素添加了两个动画; 淡入淡出和旋转。 注意:您需要先在





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