

Sass and LESS both are CSS Preprocessors. These are two of the most commonly used processors in the industry. CSS processors are very powerful and help you to streamline the development process. Although, both of these share many similarities in syntax, the main difference between them is the way they are processed. LESS is a Javascript library and it is processed at the client side. Whereas Sass runs on Ruby and it is processed at the client side.

Sass和LESS都是CSS预处理器。 这是业界最常用的两种处理器。 CSS处理器功能非常强大,可帮助您简化开发过程。 尽管这两种语法在语法上都有许多相似之处,但是它们之间的主要区别在于它们的处理方式。 LESS是一个Javascript库,它在客户端进行处理。 Sass在Ruby上运行,并在客户端进行处理。

Let us try to understand some of the difference between Sass and LESS:


入门: (Getting Started:)

Let us start from the very first step and that is installation. LESS and Sass both are built upon different platforms . As we have already read above that Sass runs on Ruby while LESS is a Javascript library.

让我们从第一步开始,那就是安装。 LESS和Sass都建立在不同的平台上。 如前所述,SESS在Ruby上运行,而LESS是Javascript库。

Sass入门: (Getting started with Sass:)

Sass requires Ruby to work. Ruby is pre-installed in Mac but in the case of Windows you have to first install Ruby before you start working with Sass. Moreover, you have to install Sass through the terminal or the Command Prompt.

Sass需要Ruby才能工作。 Ruby已预装在Mac中,但对于Windows,必须先安装Ruby,然后才能开始使用Sass。 此外,您必须通过终端或命令提示符安装Sass。

LESS入门: (Getting Started with LESS:)

Less is easy to install as it is build upon Javascript. It is as easy as linking the JavaScript library to your HTML document. There are some well performing GUI applications to help in compiling LESS to CSS and most of them are free which makes it even better.

更少的代码易于安装,因为它基于Javascript。 就像将JavaScript库链接到HTML文档一样简单。 有一些性能良好的GUI应用程序可帮助您将LESS编译为CSS,并且大多数都是免费的,这使其变得更好。

1,嵌套 (1.Nesting:)

Sass and LESS both allows Nesting. Sass allows you to nest individual properties which take nesting to a new level.

Sass和LESS都允许嵌套。 Sass允许您嵌套单个属性,从而将嵌套提升到新的水平。

与萨斯 (With Sass)

nav {ul {margin: 0;padding: 0;list-style: none;}li {display: inline-block;}a {display: block;padding: 6px 12px;text-decoration: none;}}
nav {ul {margin: 0;padding: 0;list-style: none;}li {display: inline-block;}a {display: block;padding: 6px 12px;text-decoration: none;}}


CSS Output


nav ul {margin: 0;padding: 0;list-style: none;}nav li {display: inline-block;}nav a {display: block;padding: 6px 12px;text-decoration: none;}
nav ul {margin: 0;padding: 0;list-style: none;}nav li {display: inline-block;}nav a {display: block;padding: 6px 12px;text-decoration: none;}


有较少 (With LESS)

#header {color: black;.navigation {font-size: 12px;}.logo {width: 300px;}}
#header {color: black;.navigation {font-size: 12px;}.logo {width: 300px;}}


CSS Output


#header {color: black;}#header .navigation {font-size: 12px;}#header .logo {width: 300px;}
#header {color: black;}#header .navigation {font-size: 12px;}#header .logo {width: 300px;}


2. Mixins: (2. Mixins:)

Mixins are defined a bit differently in Sass and LESS. We use a @mixin directive in Sass, While it is defined as a class selector in LESS. For Example:

在Sass和LESS中,mixin的定义有些不同。 我们在Sass中使用@mixin指令,而在LESS中将其定义为类选择器。 例如:

萨斯: (Sass:)

@mixin border-radius ($values) {border-radius: $values;}nav {margin: 50px auto 0;width: 788px;height: 45px;@include border-radius(10px);}
@mixin border-radius ($values) {border-radius: $values;}nav {margin: 50px auto 0;width: 788px;height: 45px;@include border-radius(10px);}


减: (Less:)

.border(@radius) {border-radius: @radius;}nav {margin: 50px auto 0;width: 788px;height: 45px;.border(10px);}
.border(@radius) {border-radius: @radius;}nav {margin: 50px auto 0;width: 788px;height: 45px;.border(10px);}


Mixins are used to include properties from one ruleset to another ruleset. This method goes further with Selector Inheritance in Sass. The concept is same, but Sass extends or groups selectors that have the same properties and values using the @extend directive instead of copying the whole properties.

Mixins用于包括从一个规则集到另一规则集的属性。 该方法在Sass中的选择器继承方面更进一步。 概念是相同的,但是Sass使用@extend指令扩展或分组具有相同属性和值的选择器,而不是复制整个属性。

For example:


.circle {border: 1px solid #ccc;border-radius: 50px;overflow: hidden;}.avatar {@extend .circle;}
.circle {border: 1px solid #ccc;border-radius: 50px;overflow: hidden;}.avatar {@extend .circle;}


It will result in:


.circle, .avatar {border: 1px solid #ccc;border-radius: 50px;overflow: hidden;}
.circle, .avatar {border: 1px solid #ccc;border-radius: 50px;overflow: hidden;}


It shows that Sass is one step ahead by distinct Mixins and Selectors Inheritance.


3.有条件的陈述: (3.Conditional Statements:)

This is something which is not present in LESS. Sass enables you to use if {} else {} conditional statements and for {} loops as well. It also supports the operators like or, and ,not and ,<=,>= , == .

这是LESS中不存在的。 Sass使您可以使用if {} else {}条条件语句以及{}循环。 它还支持运算符,例如or,以及,not和,<=,> =,==。

/* Sample Sass \"if\" statement */@if lightness($color) >; 30% {background-color: #000;} @else {background-color: #fff;}/* Sample Sass \"for\" loop */@for $i from 1px to 10px {.border-#{i} {border: $i solid blue;}}
/* Sample Sass \"if\" statement */@if lightness($color) >; 30% {background-color: #000;} @else {background-color: #fff;}/* Sample Sass \"for\" loop */@for $i from 1px to 10px {.border-#{i} {border: $i solid blue;}}


4.循环: (4. Loops:)

Less allows you to loop only the numeric values. Whereas Sass empowers you to iterate through any kind of data.

Less允许您仅循环数字值。 而Sass使您能够遍历任何类型的数据。

For Example:-


减 (LESS)

.looper (@i) when (@i > 0) {.image-class-@{i} {background: url(\"../img/@{i}.png\") no-repeat;}.looper(@i – 1);}.looper(0);.looper(3);//--------------- Outputs: --------------------//.image-class-3 {// background: url(\"../img/3.png\") no-repeat;//}//.image-class-2 {// background: url(\"../img/2.png\") no-repeat;//}//.image-class-1 {// background: url(\"../img/1.png\") no-repeat;//}
.looper (@i) when (@i > 0) {.image-class-@{i} {background: url(\"../img/@{i}.png\") no-repeat;}.looper(@i – 1);}.looper(0);.looper(3);//--------------- Outputs: --------------------//.image-class-3 {// background: url(\"../img/3.png\") no-repeat;//}//.image-class-2 {// background: url(\"../img/2.png\") no-repeat;//}//.image-class-1 {// background: url(\"../img/1.png\") no-repeat;//}


萨斯 (SASS)

@each $beer in stout, pilsner, lager {.#{$beer}-background {background: url(\"../img/beers/#{$beer}.png\") no-repeat;}}// ------------------- Outputs: ---------------------//.stout-background {// background: url(\"../img/beers/stout.png\") no-repeat;//}//.pilsner-background {// background: url(\"../img/beers/pilsner.png\") no-repeat;//}//.lager-background {// background: url(\"../img/beers/lager.png\") no-repeat;//}
@each $beer in stout, pilsner, lager {.#{$beer}-background {background: url(\"../img/beers/#{$beer}.png\") no-repeat;}}// ------------------- Outputs: ---------------------//.stout-background {// background: url(\"../img/beers/stout.png\") no-repeat;//}//.pilsner-background {// background: url(\"../img/beers/pilsner.png\") no-repeat;//}//.lager-background {// background: url(\"../img/beers/lager.png\") no-repeat;//}


It is a clear fact that it is much more helpful to be able to iterate any kind of data.


号码: (Numbers:)

Numbers and basic arithmetic are supported by Sass and Less both. However, there is a difference in the way how they handle the units. Sass supports unit-based arithmetic. It supports complex units in any immediate form. Moreover, Sass has the conversion table which enables it to combine any comparable units.

Sass和Less都支持数字和基本算术。 但是,它们处理单元的方式有所不同。 Sass支持基于单元的算术。 它支持任何直接形式的复杂单元。 此外,Sass具有转换表,使它可以组合任何可比较的单位。

萨斯 (SASS)

1cm * 1em => 1 cm * em2in * 3in => 6 in * in(1cm / 1em) * 4em => 4cm2in + 3cm + 2pc => 3.514in3in / 2in => 1.5
1cm * 1em => 1 cm * em2in * 3in => 6 in * in(1cm / 1em) * 4em => 4cm2in + 3cm + 2pc => 3.514in3in / 2in => 1.5


Sass allows you to define your own units and can print out unknown units into your css. Less will not do it for you. It is done by Sass as a form of future proofing against changes in the w3c specification or in case a non-standard unit is introduced by the browser.

Sass允许您定义自己的单位,并可以将未知单位打印到CSS中。 少了不会为您做。 它是Sass进行的,作为将来针对w3c规范更改的证明,或者是在浏览器引入了非标准组件的情况下。

减 (LESS)

1cm * 1em => Error2in * 3in => 6in(1cm / 1em) * 4em => Error2in + 3cm + 2pc => Error3in / 2in => 1.5in
1cm * 1em => Error2in * 3in => 6in(1cm / 1em) * 4em => Error2in + 3cm + 2pc => Error3in / 2in => 1.5in


颜色: (Colors:)

Sass exposes a long list of color functions. It also provides an array of tools that helps to manipulate the colors.

Sass公开了很多颜色功能。 它还提供了一系列有助于操纵颜色的工具。





变异子: (Mutators:)

lighten($color, $amount)darken($color, $amount)saturate($color, $amount)desaturate($color, $amount)adjust-hue($color, $amount)opacify($color, $amount)transparentize($color, $amount)mix($color1, $color2[, $amount])grayscale($color)compliment($color)
lighten($color, $amount)darken($color, $amount)saturate($color, $amount)desaturate($color, $amount)adjust-hue($color, $amount)opacify($color, $amount)transparentize($color, $amount)mix($color1, $color2[, $amount])grayscale($color)compliment($color)


变量: (Variables:)

With processors, it is possible for you to use the variables. Both Sass and LESS have variables. The difference is Sass define the variable with while LESS define the variable with sign.

使用处理器,可以使用变量。 Sass和LESS都具有变量。 区别在于Sass用定义变量,而LESS用符号定义变量。

For example in LESS


@mainLessColor: #ff0087;p {color: @mainLessColor;}
@mainLessColor: #ff0087;p {color: @mainLessColor;}


And in Sass


$mainSassColor: #ff0087;p {color: $mainSassColor;}
$mainSassColor: #ff0087;p {color: $mainSassColor;}


Both are almost same. From the user point of view, there is some problem with LESS as @ has a meaning in CSS which may create confusion while $ does not have any meaning so it does not create any problem.

两者几乎相同。 从用户的角度来看,LESS存在一些问题,因为@在CSS中具有含义,这可能会造成混淆,而$没有任何含义,因此不会造成任何问题。

Both of these are fantastic tools and can help you to work quickly and efficiently. However, you can not really say that which processor is better as it is the user’s call. If you prefer Ruby then you may opt for Sass, while if you are using PHP and Javascript then LESS may be a good option for you. It totally depends upon your comfort level and your specific requirements that which one you opt for.

这两个都是出色的工具,可以帮助您快速高效地工作。 但是,您不能真正说出哪个处理器更好,因为这是用户的要求。 如果您更喜欢Ruby,则可以选择Sass,而如果您使用的是PHP和Javascript,则LESS可能是您的理想选择。 这完全取决于您的舒适度和您所选择的特定要求。


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