


AIM初创公司 (AIM Startups)

The rapid advancement in medicine and technology has produced a new wave of scientific research and potential industrial innovation. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a dominant field in today’s technological innovation with rapid potential of growth in every industry: fintech, SMART city and also medicine.

医药技术的飞速发展引起了科学研究和潜在产业创新的新浪潮。 人工智能(AI)是当今技术创新的主导领域,在每个行业( 金融科技 , SMART城市以及医药行业)都有快速增长的潜力。

According to CB INSIGHTS report, due to COVID-19 pandemic nearly 500 AI startups globally were able to raise venture fund of $8.4 billion alone by the first quarter of 2020.

根据CB INSIGHTS报告,由于COVID-19大流行,到2020年第一季度,全球将近500家AI初创公司仅筹集了84亿美元的风险资金。

It is predicted that integration of AI technology into the healthcare industry can generate revenue increase by almost 9 times.


AI and deep learning (DL) has several applications in the healthcare industry and some of the potential applications include:


1Medical Data Processing

1 医疗数据处理

Medical data mining is another potential for many healthcare startups. This is particularly relevant because data standardization and harmonization is important before it can be applied to computational algorithm.

医学数据挖掘是许多医疗保健初创公司的另一个潜力。 这一点特别重要,因为在将数据标准化和统一化应用到计算算法之前,它非常重要。

Companies or Institutions that offer the service:


Project Baseline by Verily and Google Health are collaborating with researchers to built the next generation of healthcare tools and services.

Verily的Project BaselineGoogle Health正在与研究人员合作,以构建下一代医疗保健工具和服务。

IBM Watson Health has taken the advanced step of improving the assignment of medical prescription. They are working towards developing a database system that can allow to determine the right medication for any patient. This is because of the variation in the patient condition with similar underlying condition. The proposed technology can actively identify the probabilistic medication that is the most suitable for a particular patient.

IBM Watson Health已采取改进医疗处方分配的高级步骤。 他们正在努力开发一个数据库系统,该系统可以为任何患者确定正确的药物。 这是因为患者的状况随基础状况的变化而变化。 所提出的技术可以积极地确定最适合特定患者的概率用药。

Stratasan is involved in medical data processing which collect, update and check error for any incoming data. MOS (Medical Record Reviews) is a medical review service company actively involved in auditing bills and other documentation.

Stratasan参与医疗数据处理,该数据收集,更新和检查任何传入数据的错误。 MOS(医疗记录评论)是一家医疗评论服务公司,积极参与账单和其他文档的审计。

AI is also used to process through various corona virus literature to help extract useful biomedical research information. The COVID-19 portfolio is an initiative by NIH (National Institute in Health) to track relevant papers for SAR-CoV-2 articles.

AI还用于处理各种冠状病毒文献,以帮助提取有用的生物医学研究信息。 COVID-19产品组合是美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)发起的一项计划,旨在追踪SAR-CoV-2文章的相关论文。

2Analysis of Medical Report

2 医疗报告分析

It involves deep learning technology to improve the diagnosis of medical reports such as reading of X-rays and MRI . The technology aims at making conclusions on reports through image analysis and can be complimented with expert consultation of a radiologist.

它涉及深度学习技术,以改善医学报告的诊断,例如阅读X射线和MRI。 该技术旨在通过图像分析在报告上得出结论,并且可以与放射科医生的专家咨询相辅相成。

Companies or Institutions that offer the service:


University of Buffalo (UB) is using machine learning (ML) to analyze predictive patterns in high resolution digital images. This allows scope to accurately identify tumor sites and can be complimented with consultation of a radiologist.

布法罗大学(UB)正在使用机器学习(ML)来分析高分辨率数字图像中的预测模式。 这使得范围能够准确地识别肿瘤部位,并且可以在放射科医生的咨询下进行补充。

Stanford University and Harvard Medical School are both involved with similar research technology on developing new AI methods for allowing digital image diagnosis.


Cardiologs is a cardiac diagnostic company (France based company)that utilizes AI and cloud technology to identify heart conditions. The company was able to raise $15 M in series A funding (company’s first significant round of venture capital financing).

Cardiologs是一家心脏诊断公司(法国公司),利用AI和云技术来识别心脏状况。 该公司能够在A轮融资中筹集到1500万美元(公司的第一轮重大风险投资)。

Gleamer is another Europe based AIM company that uses a team of engineers and medical professionals to create medical grade AI tool that can be used by radiologists. BoneView AI is one of their product that is developed to reduce mixed fracture size by almost 30%.

Gleamer是另一位于欧洲的AIM公司,该公司使用一支工程师和医学专家团队来创建可以被放射科医生使用的医学级AI工具。 BoneView AI是他们的产品之一,其开发目的是将混合骨折尺寸减小近30%。

3Phone screening/ Virtual Diagnosis

3 电话筛选/虚拟诊断

This utilizes AI medical screening for consultation of patients. It is gaining popularity mostly due to its consultation low cost and convenience offered. It mostly involves online diagnosis through virtual consultation with a physician and answering a series of relevant questions.

这利用AI医学筛查来咨询患者。 它之所以受欢迎,主要是因为它的咨询成本低且提供的便利。 它主要涉及通过与医生进行虚拟咨询并回答一系列相关问题进行在线诊断。

Companies or Institutions that offer the service:


Virtual Clinic and Symptomate are perfect example of this platform. With COVID-19 in effect it is more likely that patients would opt for online diagnosis and consultation.

Virtual ClinicSymptomate是该平台的完美示例。 随着COVID-19的生效,患者更有可能选择在线诊断和咨询。

Machine Medicine is a Europe based company that specializes in developing AI technology for motor assessment. KEVIN is a motor assessment AI tool that utilizes video data acquisition and computer vision based analysis.

Machine Medicine是一家位于欧洲的公司,专门开发用于运动评估的AI技术。 KEVIN是一种运动评估AI工具,利用视频数据采集和基于计算机视觉的分析。

The healthcare industry is data intensive and AI integration can reduce overload of medical information. It also offers scope of comprehensive understanding of medical data and converting it into computational knowledge.

医疗保健行业是数据密集型行业,人工智能集成可以减少医疗信息的过载。 它还提供了对医学数据的全面理解并将其转换为计算知识的范围。

One of the major challenges and limitation include occasional incorrect diagnosis and treatment advise.


The collaboration of registered physician and AIM technology can drastically improve the current healthcare industry and make healthcare more affordable.


The US healthcare market is $ 3.6 T but Europe based digital healthcare startups are also offering similar competition by raising approximately $ 2.6 Billion. Tech companies are on the constant lookout and developing the new wave of AIM technology.

美国医疗保健市场的销售额为3.6亿美元,而欧洲的数字医疗保健初创公司也提供了类似的竞争,筹集了约26亿美元。 科技公司一直在不断寻找并开发新的AIM技术浪潮。

翻译自: 人工智能/

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