


Long ago online developers created websites using HTML and a few lines of code as websites were simple pages of text and few pictures. Then came developments that enabled websites to include graphics and animation. Today we have reached the stage where artificial intelligence is beginning to automate web design work and understand user experience.

很久以前,在线开发人员使用HTML和几行代码创建了网站,因为网站是简单的文本页面和少量图片。 然后出现了使网站能够包含图形和动画的开发。 今天,我们已经达到了人工智能开始使Web设计工作自动化并了解用户体验的阶段。

According to a study by Gartner, customers will have 85 % of their relationships with organizations managed without human interaction in 2020. This means that they will be interacting with Artificial Intelligence machines that will manage these relationships. This process is already underway and we can see it around us in chat-bots on various websites, Cortana on Windows and Siri on Apple. Similarly, Rankbrain of Google is an example of AI providing the most relevant answers to users queries.

根据Gartner的一项研究,到2020年,客户与非人为管理的组织的关系将达到85%。这意味着他们将与管理这些关系的人工智能机器进行交互。 这个过程已经在进行中,我们可以在各种网站上的聊天机器人,Windows上的Cortana和Apple上的Siri周围看到它。 同样,Google的Rankbrain是AI提供与用户查询最相关的答案的示例。

Web development is today increasingly focused on developing the experience for the end-user. Irrespective of the size of enterprises, the power of  Artificial Intelligence is sought to be harnessed by everyone to provide a personalized and interactive experience to their customers.

今天,Web开发越来越关注于为最终用户开发体验。 无论企业规模大小,每个人都希望利用人工智能的力量为他们的客户提供个性化和交互式的体验。

Let us take a look at how Artificial Intelligence is changing the arena of web development.


Web开发中的预测性答复 (Predictive Replies in  Web Development)

A predictive reply consists of a response to a users query by a machine. However, a machine does not understand human emotion and this is where artificial intelligence comes in. Artificial intelligence can understand the emotion and intent behind the query and reply accordingly. One such example is the “smart reply” option in the Gmail app that predicts the responses that you might want to send in response to a mail you have received. Using algorithms of machine learning chatbots powered by AI  three to four-word responses are shown to you and you can choose the most appropriate response to send. Similarly, chatbots with AI behind them interact with users in a natural way and leave no scope for misunderstanding. Thus, AI is helping create better web applications and websites that interact with people in a natural and efficient manner.

预测答复由机器对用户查询的响应组成。 但是,机器无法理解人类的情感,而这正是人工智能的用武之地。人工智能可以理解查询背后的情感和意图,并据此进行回复。 一个这样的示例是Gmail应用程序中的“智能回复”选项,该选项可以预测您可能希望针对收到的邮件发送的回复。 使用由AI驱动的机器学习聊天机器人算法,系统会显示三到四个单词的响应,您可以选择最合适的响应进行发送。 同样,后面带有AI的聊天机器人可以自然地与用户交互,不会产生任何误解。 因此,人工智能正在帮助创建更好的Web应用程序和网站,以自然有效的方式与人们互动。

机器学习正在帮助网站学习用户行为 (Machine Learning is helping websites learn user behaviour)

Machine Learning is an element of  Artificial Intelligence that has also evolved a lot and is helping to personalize for customers and customize websites. You might have seen on websites like Amazon that once you buy something or have browsed for something, there are further recommendations to purchase or check out something. This is machine learning at work. It basically analyzes what you have been searching for and based on your previous behaviour predicts and adjusts messages that it displays to you. Apart from this machine learning helps to analyze patterns and find hidden insights. Thanks to mathematical calculations of big data it can also help in predicting future problems and preventing them from occurring.

机器学习是人工智能的一个要素,它已经发展了很多,并正在帮助客户个性化和定制网站。 您可能已经在Amazon之类的网站上看到,一旦您购买了商品或浏览过某些商品,就会有进一步的建议来购买或检验商品。 这是工作中的机器学习。 它基本上会分析您一直在寻找的内容,并根据您以前的行为来预测并调整它向您显示的消息。 除此之外,机器学习还有助于分析模式并找到隐藏的见解。 借助大数据的数学计算,它还可以帮助预测未来的问题并防止它们发生。

帮助发送正确的消息 (Helping in sending out the right messages)

Marketing revolves around the mantra of the right message reaching the right buyer but accomplishing this is easier said than done. How do you ensure that each person who has engaged with your brand gets the right message? Artificial Intelligence is the answer again. Artificial Intelligence has algorithms that scrutinize and analyse the data of competitors and gather information about the target group, their choices and likes. This can help to curate the content that is relevant to the individual users and also provide the answers that users have been looking for. What does this mean for you? More customer engagement and more conversions.

营销围绕正确消息传达给正确购买者的口头禅,但是做到这一点说起来容易做起来难。 您如何确保与您的品牌互动的每个人都能收到正确的信息? 人工智能又是答案。 人工智能的算法可检查和分析竞争对手的数据,并收集有关目标群体,他们的选择和喜好的信息。 这可以帮助策划与单个用户相关的内容,还可以提供用户一直在寻找的答案。 这对您意味着什么? 更多的客户参与度和更多的转化。

帮助客户获得个性化的体验 (Helping Customers get a personalized experience)

Since artificialIntelligence helps to analyze and predict customer’s behaviour, you as abusiness can understand the needs of your customers more and take a morepersonalized approach to reach out to them. Shopping suggestions, discounts,and deals can all be tailored to the customer. In the days to come, AI can evengive more focused predictions about demand and increase sales.

由于人工智能有助于分析和预测客户的行为,因此您作为企业可以更了解客户的需求,并采用更个性化的方法来联系他们。 购物建议,折扣和交易都可以为客户量身定制。 在未来的日子里,人工智能甚至可以针对需求做出更集中的预测并增加销售。

语音编程会变得更好 (Voice programming will get better)

Artificial Intelligence has entered our households in the form of devices such as Alexa from Amazon. From scheduling meetings,  checking the status of smart devices at home to switching off lights and fans, Alexa is the virtual assistant that can do it all.  The AI here is such that the device learns your voice, your choices and more. This same concept is gradually being applied to the web as well where e-commerce businesses are going to use it to help customers shop in a smart way.

人工智能以诸如亚马逊的Alexa之类的设备形式进入了我们的家庭。 从安排会议,检查家庭智能设备的状态到关闭灯和风扇,Alexa是可以完成所有任务的虚拟助手。 这里的AI使设备可以学习您的声音,您的选择以及更多内容。 同样的概念也正逐渐应用于网络以及电子商务企业将要使用它来帮助客户以智能方式购物的网站。

人工智能将改善Web编程 (Web Programming Will Improve With AI)

Web programming is one area where AI can be used very productively. Tasks such as addition and updating of the database, identification of code snippets that will solve a problem are areas where AI will be useful. AI algorithms will help develop codes that alter themselves without any manual interference. This, in turn, will to create new apps and bots that will be more intelligent and responsive than code by humans.

Web编程是可以非常有效地使用AI的领域之一。 AI的应用领域包括数据库的添加和更新,识别要解决的代码段之类的任务。 AI算法将帮助开发无需任何人工干预即可自行更改的代码。 反过来,这将创建比人类代码更智能,响应更快的新应用和机器人。

As the intelligence in web design and training gets better, the results will get better.


网页设计将通过AI改善 (Web Design WillImprove with AI)

 AI tools can help to take care of the constantgap of skills between web designers and web developers. Most web designerswould admit that they are not great developers and vice versa. AI tools such asa virtual assistant can streamline the entire design and development process.

人工智能工具可以帮助解决Web设计师和Web开发人员之间不断出现的技能差距。 大多数网页设计师会承认他们不是优秀的开发人员,反之亦然。 诸如虚拟助手之类的AI工具可以简化整个设计和开发过程。

The virtualassistants ask questions from the user perspective and get the answers frompeople. Based on this information, they can offer a custom experience to eachuser.

虚拟助手从用户角度提出问题,并从人们那里得到答案。 基于此信息,他们可以为每个用户提供自定义体验。

人工智能可以帮助收集SEO特定见解 (AI can help ingathering SEO specific insights )

 Search Engine Optimization is perhaps the mostcrucial part of the puzzle that helps a website gain visibility. AI can help inmining data and build predictive engines that will help developers look forproblems in a website’s structure and also identify content that is not SEOfriendly. The end result will be SEO friendly content and an SEO optimized webdesign.

搜索引擎优化也许是帮助网站获得知名度的难题中最关键的部分。 人工智能可以帮助挖掘数据并建立预测引擎,这将帮助开发人员在网站结构中查找问题,并识别出不适合SEO的内容。 最终结果将是SEO友好的内容和经过SEO优化的网页设计。

结论 (Conclusion )

There is no denying the importance and utility of Artificial Intelligence as it brings organization and people closer. AI has already entered our homes too lending us a virtual hand. In the coming years, we can hope for more of the same and look forward to AI being an integral part of our lives.

无可否认,人工智能的重要性和实用性使组织和人员之间的距离越来越近。 人工智能已经进入我们的家园,也给了我们虚拟的帮助。 在未来的几年中,我们可以期望更多相同的东西,并期待AI成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。

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如果您正在寻找高性能的Web托管来帮助您的网站在移动设备上更快地加载,请查看我们的VPS软件包 。



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