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Ever hear the saying “the customer is always right”? Businesses recognize the importance of customer opinion and the impact it has on the sales of their goods and services.

有没有听说过“客户永远是对的”的说法? 企业认识到客户意见的重要性及其对商品和服务销售的影响。

The number of customers leaving reviews online has increased and, according to a report by BIA/Kelsey and ConStat, 97% of people read reviews before they place an order or make a purchase. Brands, therefore, strive to satisfy the needs of customers to ensure loyalty and build a layer of trust with them. Because of this, companies are continuously looking for insight into customers’ thoughts to satisfy them as well as to know how they could leverage this insight in making suggestions on services they might require. Businesses thereby need necessary information to observe experiences customers have with the brand to gauge and predict what they require.

根据BIA / Kelsey和ConStat的报告,在线发表评论的客户数量有所增加,有97%的人在下订单或购买商品之前先阅读了评论。 因此,品牌努力满足客户的需求,以确保忠诚度并与他们建立信任关系。 因此,公司一直在寻找对客户想法的洞察力,以使他们满意,并知道他们如何利用这种洞察力就可能需要的服务提出建议。 因此,企业需要必要的信息来观察客户在该品牌上的体验,以评估和预测他们的需求。

In this era of artificial intelligence (AI), companies no longer need to make use of traditional methods such as customer surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, and interviews to develop an understanding of the minds of their customers as those methods are quite slow and expensive to implement and requires an army of analysts to make use of collected information. Instead, they make use of online reviews as data gathered from them are easily utilized through AI algorithms to ensure that customer sentiments can be predicted in real-time.

在这个人工智能(AI)时代,公司不再需要使用传统方法(例如客户调查,问卷调查,焦点小组和访谈)来了解其客户的想法,因为这些方法相当缓慢且昂贵实施并要求大量分析人员利用所收集的信息。 取而代之的是,他们利用在线评论,因为通过AI算法可以轻松地利用从网上收集的数据来确保可以实时预测客户的情绪。

Due to the significance of AI in predicting consumer behavior, this article deals with the significance of its application to online reviews and making recommendations.


Sentiment Analysis


Businesses are continuously interested in knowing what their customers think and going through reviews one at a time is a very tedious process. However with the use of AI customers’ attitudes can be easily detected from their reviews and businesses can know immediately if these reviews are good, bad, or neutral.

企业一直对了解客户的想法并一次进行一次审查非常感兴趣,这是一个非常繁琐的过程。 但是,使用AI可以很容易地从评论中发现客户的态度,并且企业可以立即知道这些评论是好是坏。

From recent statistics, 94% of customers mentioned that online reviews gave them a reason to avoid some businesses and 63.6% said they would Google reviews before visiting a business. The opinion of other customers influences that of potential customers. Through analysis of the tone and context in reviews, companies would know what to improve and what services to provide to appease their customers and keep them coming back for more.

根据最近的统计数据 ,有94%的客户提到在线评论是他们避开某些商家的原因,还有63.6%的客户表示他们会在访问商家之前先进行Google评论。 其他客户的意见会影响潜在客户的意见。 通过分析评论中的语气和上下文,公司将知道需要改进哪些方面以及提供哪些服务来安抚其客户并使他们回头更多。

Revuze is a tech start-up that uses artificial intelligence to analyze customer opinions from multiple sources such as social media, e-mails, online reviews, surveys, data collected by call centers, and many others, both online and offline. It carries out its analysis by monitoring keywords thereby deciphering the context in which it is being used to estimate user’s sentiments and to enable the voice of customers to be heard through their review.

雷武兹 是一家科技初创公司,利用人工智能来分析来自多种来源的客户意见,这些来源包括社交媒体,电子邮件,在线评论,调查,呼叫中心收集的数据以及许多其他在线和离线数据。 它通过监视关键字进行分析,从而解密上下文,在该上下文中使用它来估计用户的情绪并通过其评论来听到客户的声音 。

The information provided is used to identify trends and topics from gathered user data giving businesses information about their consumer’s opinions of their products in real-time compared to traditional methods where it takes much longer to gather information needed and process it.


According to the CEO, Ido Ramati, Revuze makes use of any amount of unstructured data from any industry such as automobiles, fast food or hotels. Artificial intelligence, neural networks, and machine learning are then used compared to traditional methods of hiring data scientists and product experts to manually predefine and construct certain rules.

根据首席执行官Ido Ramati的说法,Revuze利用了来自任何行业(例如汽车,快餐或酒店)的任何非结构化数据。 与传统的雇用数据科学家和产品专家来人工预定义和构建某些规则的方法相比,人工智能,神经网络和机器学习已被使用。

Attribute-Based Recommendations


Although data privacy has been an issue of concern for a while, recent studies show that customers are willing to trade their data for more personalized shopping experiences.


According to statistics, 74% of customers are deterred when websites are not personalized, 85% of consumers are influenced to buy products from personalized homepage promotions while 92% of shoppers online are influenced through personalized shopping cart recommendations.

据统计 ,没有个性化的网站会吓阻74%的顾客,有85%的消费者会从个性化主页促销中购买产品,而有92%的在线购物者会受到个性化购物车推荐的影响。

Retailers use previous customer behavior to give recommendations for products and services because it boosts sales.


Aspectiva is a tech start-up that uses artificial intelligence to identify all product attributes customers are interested in by gathering and analyzing large volumes of user-generated content.


It provides customers with insight to search for, engage, and discover products that satisfy their needs. When customers search, Aspectiva identifies product attributes from the product search by adding a data layer to filter products only displaying what customers are interested in. Simply put, it analyses user-generated content such as reviews and past shopping behavior to make suggestions.

它为客户提供了洞察力,以搜索,参与和发现满足其需求的产品。 在客户搜索时,Aspectiva通过添加数据层以过滤仅显示客户感兴趣的产品来从产品搜索中识别产品属性。简单地说,它分析用户生成的内容(例如评论和过往购物行为)以提出建议。

Data Privacy


To obtain high-quality data from online reviews, customers have to develop some sort of loyalty to the brand in question. Therefore to either give reviews or provide quality responses customers need to feel safe and secure.

为了从在线评论中获得高质量的数据,客户必须对所关注的品牌建立某种忠诚度。 因此,无论是进行评论还是提供质量响应,客户都需要感到安全。

They require absolute confidentiality and the knowledge that their data will be safeguarded and used appropriately as customers become reluctant to give up information when data is stolen or lost. Artificial intelligence is employed in preventing cyber-attacks and data breaches.

他们需要绝对的机密性,并且要知道他们的数据将得到保护和适当使用,因为客户不愿在数据被盗或丢失时放弃信息。 人工智能用于防止网络攻击和数据泄露。

ZeroFOX is a cyber-security tech start-up that uses artificial intelligence to detect deepfake videos and detect and remove threatening images and leaked credit card information. Deepfakes are used to superimpose images and videos, combining them to create fake news, hoaxes, misinformation campaigns, and brand impersonations. These deepfakes elude conventional link, text, and file analysis-based security solutions and with ZeroFOX, the time-consuming process of analyzing lots of images and processes is avoided.

ZeroFOX是一家网络安全技术初创企业,它使用人工智能来检测Deepfake视频,并检测并删除威胁图像和泄露的信用卡信息。 Deepfake用于叠加图像和视频,将它们组合在一起以创建假新闻,恶作剧,虚假信息宣传活动和品牌冒充。 这些伪造的东西无法使用基于链接,文本和文件分析的常规安全解决方案,并且借助ZeroFOX,可以避免耗时的分析大量图像和过程的过程。

According to the CEO of ZeroFOX, James C. Foster, protecting organizations from digital risks is increasingly difficult and attackers compose and manipulate images and videos in ways that escape the detection abilities of traditional solutions.

ZeroFOX首席执行官James C. Foster表示,保护组织免受数字风险的影响越来越困难,攻击者以逃避传统解决方案检测能力的方式来编写和处理图像和视频。



Companies having innovative methods of obtaining customer insight will help retain customers and bring in more thus boosting their sales. From personalized suggestions on search bars to understanding the opinion of customers on their products to ensuring their safety, companies develop a layer of trust with their customers.

拥有获得客户洞察力的创新方法的公司将有助于留住客户并吸引更多客户,从而促进他们的销售。 从搜索栏上的个性化建议到了解客户对其产品的意见以确保其安全,公司与客户建立了信任关系。

Artificial intelligence is pushing businesses forward giving customers a more personal experience than they would have experienced before.


翻译自: 人工智能/

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