
Google Local SERPS的更改如何影响您的业务

Google has changed the way it promoteslocal businesses in its search results and for many companies, this can have aserious effect on their ability to attract new customers. Here, we’ll look atwhat these changes are and how they are having an impact.

Google已经改变了其在搜索结果中促进本地业务的方式,对于许多公司而言,这可能会严重影响其吸引新客户的能力。 在这里,我们将看看这些变化是什么以及它们如何产生影响。

事情如何变化 (How things are changing)

Until recently, anyone undertaking a Googlesearch for a type of business in their local area would have been provided witha list of ten nearby businesses. Clicking on the links in these results wouldtake the searcher to the business’ website where they could discover theinformation they required. Those companies that appeared in these lists wouldhave been the recipients of higher rankings, increased traffic and theconsequent conversions.

直到最近,向Google搜寻其本地某类型企业的任何人都将获得附近十家企业的列表。 单击这些结果中的链接将使搜索者进入公司的网站,他们可以在其中找到所需的信息。 出现在这些列表中的那些公司本来是排名更高,流量增加以及随之而来的转换的收件人。

Recently, however, this list has beenreduced, first to seven and now to just three – making it harder for many localbusinesses to be featured. While this decision might be some way down to makingthe results more mobile-friendly, there are other changes, beyond this, whichshow Google to have moved its stance on how it promotes local businesses. Hereare three of the main ones.

但是,最近,该列表已减少,从最初的七个减少到现在的三个,这使得许多本地企业难以成为特色。 尽管此决定可能会导致结果更加适合移动设备,但除此以外还有其他变化,这表明Google改变了其如何促进本地业务的立场。 这是三个主要的。

1.保持用户访问Google网站 (1. Keeping users on the Google website)

One of the key changes we are seeing isthat Google is trying to keep its searchers on its own website rather thansending them to that of the local business. There has been a significantincrease in the number of search results, especially on mobile devices, that donot require the user to go beyond the information provided by Google’sinterface. With mobile visibility being key to local businesses, as customers searchon smartphones while out and about in local areas, this is a cause for concern.

我们看到的主要变化之一是Google试图将其搜索者保留在自己的网站上,而不是将其发送给本地公司。 搜索结果的数量已大大增加,尤其是在移动设备上,不需要用户超越Google界面提供的信息。 随着移动可见性成为本地企业的关键,当客户在本地外出时在智能手机上进行搜索时,这引起了人们的关注。

Indeed, even when a search is done for aspecific company, the display of the company’s Knowledge Panel means customerscan access a wide range of information without the need to click through to thewebsite. For instance, they can find out the basic company details, see images,take a virtual tour, read reviews, make a reservation, phone up, ask questions,see the opening hours and when the place is busy. And as all of this can bedone on the Google results page, it means fewer searchers will head to yourwebsite. This doesn’t necessarily mean, however, that you will get fewercustomers as the information provided by Google might be enough to win themover.  

实际上,即使在搜索特定公司时,该公司知识面板的显示也意味着客户无需单击该网站即可访问广泛的信息。 例如,他们可以找到公司的基本详细信息,查看图片,进行虚拟导览,阅读评论,进行预订,打电话,提问,查看营业时间以及营业时间。 而且所有这些都可以在Google结果页上完成,这意味着更少的搜索者可以访问您的网站。 但是,这不一定意味着您会吸引较少的客户,因为Google提供的信息可能足以吸引他们。

2. 广告出现在本地搜索结果中 (2. Ads appearing in the local search results)

While it is worrying that the number ofbusinesses being displayed has fallen from ten to three, a further issue isthat other businesses are allowed to appear alongside them because they havepaid for the listing. In a recent survey of over 10,000 local search results, athird of them also contained ads.

尽管令人担忧的是,所显示的企业数量已从10个减少到3个,但另一个问题是,由于其他企业已经为上市付费,因此允许其他企业出现在他们旁边。 在最近对10,000多个本地搜索结果的调查中,其中三分之一还包含广告。

Indeed, with its Local Service Ads scheme,some now consider that Google’s stance is to develop itself as a local lead generationprovider.


3. 广告显示在您的知识面板旁边 (3. Ads appearing alongside your Knowledge Panel)

Another disturbing factor is that when aGoogle user searches for your specific company, the internet giant now intrudesthis space with the paid for content of others. For example, you may see adsabove and below it followed by an ‘Other Users Searched For’ list of businessesbeneath that.

另一个令人不安的因素是,当Google用户搜索您的特定公司时,这家互联网巨头现在用其他内容的付费方式侵入了这个领域。 例如,您可能会在广告的上方和下方看到广告,然后在其下方看到“其他搜索的用户”企业列表。

这些变化告诉我们什么? (What do these changes tell us?)

Overall, the focus of Google’s local searchresults has changed. Today, instead of simply providing users with links tolocal business websites, it’s more concerned with providing information aboutthese businesses which keeps the searcher on Google itself. Indeed, withmillions of Google Local Guides contributing to its knowledge about localbusinesses by answering questions and giving reviews, it can sometimes providemore relevant information that searchers are actually looking for than thecompany website can. If, for example, a customer wants to know if a businesshas free parking and Google doesn’t know, it will ask the next Local Guide whovisits in order to ensure it can provide the answer in future.

总体而言,Google本地搜索结果的重点已经改变。 如今,与其简单地为用户提供到本地企业网站的链接,不如提供有关这些企业的信息,从而使搜索者始终依赖Google。 确实,数以百万计的Google本地向导通过回答问题和发表评论来增强其对本地企业的了解,有时它可以提供搜索者实际上正在寻找的比公司网站更多的相关信息。 例如,如果客户想知道一家企业是否有免费停车场,而Google却不知道,它将询问下一位本地向导来访,以确保将来可以提供答案。

This begs the question of why Google wantsto keep users on its own website and the answer to this looks fairly clear–  because it helps it generate more revenuethrough advertising and in turn, helps its advertisers grow their businesses.


结论 (Conclusion)

While you may think that this change infocus by Google means that local business websites have become irrelevant, thetruth is exactly the opposite. There is a powerful link between the organic performanceof your website and your ability to appear in the featured local rankings. So,while there is little you can do about the changes Google is making to keeppeople on its own site and placing paid ads in local search results, the best wayto appear in the three featured local spots is to have the best website thatyou can.If you are looking for hosting for your localbusiness website, check out our homepage to see our wide range of hosting solutions.

尽管您可能认为Google的重点转移意味着本地商业网站已变得无关紧要,但事实恰恰相反。 您的网站的自然表现与您出现在本地排名中的能力之间有着强大的联系。 因此,尽管您所做的更改几乎无济于事,Google一直在将人们留在自己的网站上并在本地搜索结果中放置付费广告,但是,在三个特色本地景点中展示的最佳方法是拥有一个最佳的网站能够。 如果您正在寻找当地企业网站的托管服务,请查看我们的主页以查看我们广泛的托管解决方案 。


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