
使用事件提高Google Analytics(分析)中的跳出率

The bounce rate cited by Google Analytics for this blog has always been high and it\’s been discouraging.  Having a high bounce rate is bad, right?  Or does that mean someone found what they needed and left, which would be a win?  I\’m not sure, but I was recently told that some people use event tracking to find a truer bounce rate.  If a user scrolls or clicks on something, that shouldn\’t be a bounce, right?  They\’re certainly interacting with the page!  With my redesign, I implemented this:

Google Analytics(分析)引用此博客的跳出率一直很高,令人沮丧。 跳出率高是不好的,对吧? 还是那意味着有人找到了他们需要的东西并离开了,这将是一次胜利? 我不确定,但是最近有人告诉我,有些人使用事件跟踪来找到更真实的跳出率。 如果用户滚动或单击某些内容,那不应该是反弹,对吧? 他们当然是在与页面互动! 通过重新设计,我实现了这一点:

function removeEvents() {document.body.removeEventListener(\'click\', sendInteractionEvent);window.removeEventListener(\'scroll\', sendInteractionEvent);}function sendInteractionEvent() {ga(\'send\', \'event\', \'Page Interaction\');removeEvents();}document.body.addEventListener(\'click\', sendInteractionEvent);window.addEventListener(\'scroll\', sendInteractionEvent);


After adding this code, my bounce rate went down dramatically.  Tracking an event isn\’t gaming the system so I find this situation a bit odd.  Why does tracking an event, not firing a pageview, affect the bounce rate so much?  I\’m not sure, maybe you can tell me!

添加此代码后,我的跳出率急剧下降。 跟踪事件并不能使系统正常运行,因此我发现这种情况有些奇怪。 为什么跟踪事件而不触发网页浏览量会如此大地影响跳出率? 我不确定,也许您可​​以告诉我!

防止事件影响跳出率 (Preventing Events from Affecting Bounce Rate)

Let\’s say you don\’t want events to affect your bounce rate; you can use the following to do so:

假设您不希望事件影响跳出率; 您可以使用以下方法:

ga(\'set\', \'nonInteraction\', true);


It\’s odd to me that an event would effect bounce rate, if the definition of a bounce rate is a user going to your site and immediately leaving. A pageview is not an event so….weird!

如果跳出率的定义是用户进入您的网站并立即离开,那么事件会影响跳出率对我来说很奇怪。 浏览量不是事件,所以….很奇怪!


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