android:accessibilityHeading | Whether or not this view is a heading for accessibility purposes. |
android:alpha | alpha property of the view, as a value between 0 (completely transparent) and 1 (completely opaque). |
android:background | A drawable to use as the background. |
android:clickable | Defines whether this view reacts to click events. |
android:contentDescription | Defines text that briefly describes content of the view. |
android:drawingCacheQuality | Defines the quality of translucent drawing caches. |
android:duplicateParentState | When this attribute is set to true, the view gets its drawable state (focused, pressed, etc.) from its direct parent rather than from itself. |
android:fadeScrollbars | Defines whether to fade out scrollbars when they are not in use. |
android:fadingEdgeLength | Defines the length of the fading edges. |
android:filterTouchesWhenObscured | Specifies whether to filter touches when the view\’s window is obscured by another visible window. |
android:fitsSystemWindows | Boolean internal attribute to adjust view layout based on system windows such as the status bar. |
android:focusable | Controls whether a view can take focus. |
android:focusableInTouchMode | Boolean that controls whether a view can take focus while in touch mode. |
android:focusedByDefault | Whether this view is a default-focus view. |
android:hapticFeedbackEnabled | Boolean that controls whether a view should have haptic feedback enabled for events such as long presses. |
android:id | Supply an identifier name for this view, to later retrieve it with View. |
android:isScrollContainer | Set this if the view will serve as a scrolling container, meaning that it can be resized to shrink its overall window so that there will be space for an input method. |
android:keepScreenOn | Controls whether the view\’s window should keep the screen on while visible. |
android:keyboardNavigationCluster | Whether this view is a root of a keyboard navigation cluster. |
android:layerType | Specifies the type of layer backing this view. |
android:layoutDirection | Defines the direction of layout drawing. |
android:longClickable | Defines whether this view reacts to long click events. |
android:minHeight | Defines the minimum height of the view. |
android:minWidth | Defines the minimum width of the view. |
android:nextClusterForward | Defines the next keyboard navigation cluster. |
android:nextFocusDown | Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is android. |
android:nextFocusLeft | Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is android. |
android:nextFocusRight | Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is android. |
android:nextFocusUp | Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is android. |
android:onClick | Name of the method in this View\’s context to invoke when the view is clicked. |
android:outlineAmbientShadowColor | Sets the color of the ambient shadow that is drawn when the view has a positive Z or elevation value. |
android:outlineSpotShadowColor | Sets the color of the spot shadow that is drawn when the view has a positive Z or elevation value. |
android:padding | Sets the padding, in pixels, of all four edges. |
android:paddingBottom | Sets the padding, in pixels, of the bottom edge; see android. |
android:paddingEnd | Sets the padding, in pixels, of the end edge; see android. |
android:paddingHorizontal | Sets the padding, in pixels, of the left and right edges; see android. |
android:paddingLeft | Sets the padding, in pixels, of the left edge; see android. |
android:paddingRight | Sets the padding, in pixels, of the right edge; see android. |
android:paddingStart | Sets the padding, in pixels, of the start edge; see android. |
android:paddingTop | Sets the padding, in pixels, of the top edge; see android. |
android:paddingVertical | Sets the padding, in pixels, of the top and bottom edges; see android. |
android:requiresFadingEdge | Defines which edges should be faded on scrolling. |
android:rotation | rotation of the view, in degrees. |
android:rotationX | rotation of the view around the x axis, in degrees. |
android:rotationY | rotation of the view around the y axis, in degrees. |
android:saveEnabled | If false, no state will be saved for this view when it is being frozen. |
android:scaleX | scale of the view in the x direction. |
android:scaleY | scale of the view in the y direction. |
android:scrollX | The initial horizontal scroll offset, in pixels. |
android:scrollY | The initial vertical scroll offset, in pixels. |
android:scrollbarAlwaysDrawHorizontalTrack | Defines whether the horizontal scrollbar track should always be drawn. |
android:scrollbarAlwaysDrawVerticalTrack | Defines whether the vertical scrollbar track should always be drawn. |
android:scrollbarDefaultDelayBeforeFade | Defines the delay in milliseconds that a scrollbar waits before fade out. |
android:scrollbarFadeDuration | Defines the delay in milliseconds that a scrollbar takes to fade out. |
android:scrollbarSize | Sets the width of vertical scrollbars and height of horizontal scrollbars. |
android:scrollbarStyle | Controls the scrollbar style and position. |
android:scrollbarThumbHorizontal | Defines the horizontal scrollbar thumb drawable. |
android:scrollbarThumbVertical | Defines the vertical scrollbar thumb drawable. |
android:scrollbarTrackHorizontal | Defines the horizontal scrollbar track drawable. |
android:scrollbarTrackVertical | Defines the vertical scrollbar track drawable. |
android:scrollbars | Defines which scrollbars should be displayed on scrolling or not. |
android:soundEffectsEnabled | Boolean that controls whether a view should have sound effects enabled for events such as clicking and touching. |
android:stateListAnimator | Sets the state-based animator for the View. |
android:tag | Supply a tag for this view containing a String, to be retrieved later with View. |
android:textAlignment | Defines the alignment of the text. |
android:textDirection | Defines the direction of the text. |
android:theme | Specifies a theme override for a view. |
android:transformPivotX | x location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale. |
android:transformPivotY | y location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale. |
android:transitionName | Names a View such that it can be identified for Transitions. |
android:translationX | translation in x of the view. |
android:translationY | translation in y of the view. |
android:translationZ | translation in z of the view. |
android:visibility | Controls the initial visibility of the view. |
在Android Studio中,进行UI界面的编程,可以通过以下几种方式进行设计:
- 构造器:重写构造器是定制View的最基本方式,创建该类的实例或者根据XML布局文件加载并构建界面时,需要调用该构造器。
- onFinishInflate():回调方法,当应用从xml布局文件加载该组件并利用它来构造界面后,该方法会被回调。
- onMeasure():检测View组件及其包含子组件的位置、大小时,被回调
- onLayout():当该组件需要分配其子组件的位置、大小时,被回调
- onSizeChanged():当组件大小被改变时,被回调
- onDraw():将要绘制组件内容时,被回调
- onKeyDown():某个键被按下时,触发该方法
- onKeyUp():松开某个键时,触发该方法
- OnTrackballEvent():当发生轨迹球事件时触发该方法
- onTouchEvent():当发生触摸屏事件时触发该方法
- onFoucusChanged():当组件焦点发生改变时,触发该方法
- onWindowFocusChanged():当包含该组件窗口的可见性发生改变时触发该方法
- onAttacheedToWindow():当把组件放入某个窗口中时,触发该方法
- onDetachedFromWindow():当把组件从某个窗口中分离时,触发该方法
- onWindowVisibilityChanged():当组件的窗口可见性发生改变时,触发该方法