
JavaScript | 计时器

In this article, we\’ll build a simple timer using JavaScript. First, we\’ll understand the date object and how we can utilize the date object to get minutes and seconds, then we\’ll look briefly at the setInterval() asynchronous function and finally we\’ll combine all our knowledge to create a simple timer.

在本文中,我们将使用JavaScript构建一个简单的计时器 。 首先,我们将了解日期对象以及如何利用日期对象获取分钟和秒,然后我们将简要介绍一下setInterval()异步函数,最后我们将结合所有知识来创建一个简单的计时器。

The Date Object represents a different data type in JavaScript and as the name suggests is used to store and hold a value having a \’Date\’ type. This date could be anything from a few years ago, to the current date or the date a few years from now as long as it is a valid date. We can create a new date object using the Date() constructor function.

日期对象表示JavaScript中的另一种数据类型,顾名思义,该对象用于存储和保存具有“日期”类型的值。 该日期可以是几年前的日期,也可以是当前日期,也可以是现在以后的几年,只要它是有效日期即可。 我们可以使用Date()构造函数创建一个新的date对象。

const now = new Date();console.log(now);




Tue Jan 07 2020 17:07:51 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)


We have declared a new Date object now using the Date() constructor. This is similar to the way we create Booleans using the \”new\” keyword. The Date() constructor takes in as parameter the date to be created and must be entered in the same format as it is displayed. Since we kept it empty, we got back the current timestamp, i.e. the exact date at which the now date object is created.

我们现在使用Date()构造函数声明了一个新的Date对象。 这类似于我们使用“ new”关键字创建布尔值的方式。 Date()构造函数将要创建的日期作为参数,并且必须以与显示日期相同的格式输入。 由于我们将其保留为空,因此我们获取了当前时间戳,即创建现在日期对象的确切日期。

const then = new Date(\'Jan 01 2020 17:07:51 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)\');console.log(then);




Wed Jan 01 2020 17:07:51 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)


then represents the date of the specified day that we passed inside the Date() constructor as a parameter. The getMinutes() and getSeconds() are methods that can be used on the Date object to get the total minutes and seconds for that date object.


console.log(then.getMinutes() + \' minutes past \' + then);console.log(now.getMinutes() + \' minutes past \' + now);console.log(then.getSeconds() + \' seconds past \' + then);console.log(now.getSeconds() + \' seconds past \' + now);




7 minutes past Wed Jan 01 2020 17:07:51 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)7 minutes past Tue Jan 07 2020 17:07:51 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)51 seconds past Wed Jan 01 2020 17:07:51 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)51 seconds past Tue Jan 07 2020 17:07:51 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)


The setInterval() function is an asynchronous function that invokes a callback after every specified amount in milliseconds.


setInterval(function() {console.log(\'Every 2s \');}, 2000);




(2) Every 2s


Now that we have all the knowledge that we need, let\’s go ahead and build our JavaScript Timer.

现在我们有了所需的全部知识,让我们继续构建JavaScript Timer。

<html lang=\"en\"><head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\"><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\"><meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"ie=edge\"><title>Focus method</title><!-- Compiled and minified CSS --><link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"\"><!-- Compiled and minified JavaScript --><script src=\"\"></script></head><style>body {background: coral;}</style><body><div class=\"container\"><h3 class=\"center\">JavaScript Timer</h3><h5 class=\"from\">From: </h5><h5>Minutes elapsed:<span class=\"min\"></span></h5><h5>Seconds elapsed:<span class=\"sec\"></span></h5></div></body><script></script></html>




We\’ll first create a date object for a specified date and get a reference to that.


const year2020=new Date(\'Jan 07 2020 17:47:00\');document.querySelector(\'.from\').textContent+=year2020;




Great! Now we\’ll fire a setInterval() function which will run every 1 second or a 1000 milliseconds and inside that function, we\’ll display the minutes and seconds elapsed from the earlier date object we created by subtracting its minutes from the current date object\’s minutes. We\’ll do the same to get the seconds elapsed.

大! 现在,我们将触发一个setInterval()函数 ,该函数将每1秒钟或1000毫秒运行一次,并在该函数内部,通过从当前日期对象的日期减去分钟数,显示从我们创建的较早日期对象开始经过的分钟和秒数。分钟。 我们将进行同样的操作以获取秒数。

<script>const year2020=new Date(\'Jan 07 2020 17:47:00\');document.querySelector(\'.from\').textContent+=year2020;setInterval(function(){let now=new Date();document.querySelector(\'.min\').textContent=now.getMinutes()-year2020.getMinutes();document.querySelector(\'.sec\').textContent=now.getSeconds()-year2020.getSeconds();},1000)</script>




And you can see that the timer updates the seconds and minutes elapsed dynamically!



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