


位:二进制数字 (Bit: Binary Digit)

A Bit is an abbreviation of \”Binary Digit\”.


It is the smallest basic unit of information, which is used to measure data of system in computing and digital communications. It consists of the value of true/false and also used for storing the data of the system as information. Each bit is typically used to store information of a data of system in the form of a value of 0 and 1 and also used to execute directives in associations of bytes.

它是信息的最小基本单位,用于在计算和数字通信中测量系统数据。 它由true / false值组成,还用于存储系统数据作为信息。 每个位通常用于以值0和1的形式存储系统数据的信息,并且还用于执行字节关联中的指令。

The digits of binary numbers are a symbol of a logical state, comprising simply one of two values.


These two values are for the most part generally signified as either:


  • 0 or 1


  • true/false


  • yes/no


  • +/-


  • on/off


历史 (History)

At the beginning of 1947, John W. Tukey first time used the term \”Bit\” in a Bell Labs memo in which he diminished \”binary information digit\” to basically \”bit\”.

1947年初,约翰·W·图基(John W. Tukey)首次在Bell Labs备忘录中使用“比特”一词,他在其中将“二进制信息数字”减少为基本上为“比特”

各种比特信息 (Various Bit information)

In a binary number of systems, storing a distinct character in the form of a binary digit of a data of computer needs eight bits. The number of individual arrangements formed by one byte or eight bits is 256, which can be numbers, letters, symbols, and characters. In the formation of a 32-bit binary digit, it involves four eight-bit bytes. The length of a binary number is alluded to as a bit length.

在二进制系统中,以计算机数据的二进制数字形式存储一个不同的字符需要八位。 由一个字节或八个位形成的单个排列的数目为256,可以是数字,字母,符号和字符。 在形成一个32位二进制数字时,它涉及四个8位字节。 二进制数的长度称为位长度。

There are a variety of units of information that hold multiples of bits, comprise:


  • Byte = 8 bits

    字节= 8位

  • Kilobit = 1,000 bits

    千比特= 1,000比特

  • Megabit = 1 million bits

    兆位= 1百万位

  • Gigabit = 1 billion bits

    千兆= 10亿位

In the system of computers, the process generally controls bits in the collection of a permanent size, which was typically termed as \”words\”. After the year of 1999, trade individual or server computers have a term size of 32 or 64 bits.

在计算机系统中,该过程通常控制永久大小集合中的位,该大小通常称为“字”。 在1999年之后,个人或服务器计算机的交易期限为32或64位。



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