


It\’s been six months and some change since the launch of Script & Style and the website is doing extremely well. Traffic continues to rise, our RSS feed subscriber count is close to 4,000, the submissions continue to be quality, and we\’re slowly adding new features to the site. We\’ve recently taken some time to revamp the website to continue its growth.

自Script&Style推出以来已经过去了六个月,并且发生了一些变化,并且网站的运行情况非常好。 流量持续增长,我们的RSS feed订阅人数接近4,000,提交的质量仍然很高,并且我们正在缓慢地向网站添加新功能。 我们最近花了一些时间对网站进行改版以继续发展。

Click here to read Chris Coyier\’s article with regard to the site redesign.

单击此处以阅读Chris Coyier的有关网站重新设计的文章。

The newest code snippet we\’ve added to enhance your S&S experience is a submission favelet/bookmarklet. This new favelet allows you to quickly submit the article you\’re reading, no matter what the source, to Script & Style. All you need to do is select/highlight the text you\’d like to act as the article description and click the favelet. A new window will appear with the submission screen already filled out for you!

我们添加来增强您的S&S体验的最新代码段是提交收藏夹/书签。 这个新的小工具使您可以快速将正在阅读的文章(无论其来源如何)提交给Script&Style。 您需要做的就是选择/突出显示您要用作文章描述的文本,然后单击收藏夹。 将出现一个新窗口,已为您填写了提交屏幕!

View Demo观看演示

Favelet代码 (The Favelet Code)

//favelet modified from:,w=window,ds=d.getSelection,ws=w.getSelection,ss=d.selection,e=encodeURIComponent;t=(ws)%3Fws():(ds)%3Fds():(ss)%3Fss.createRange().text:\'\';t=(t.toString().length)%3Ft:prompt(\'Please select article description text.\',\'\');if(t)%7Ba=\'\' + e(document.title) + \'%26url=\' + e(window.location) + \'%26content=\';u=a+e(t);f=function(),\'nfx\',\'scrollbars=1,toolbar=0,resizable=1,status=1,width=600,height=600\');if(!x)w.location.href=u;%7D;if(/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent))setTimeout(f,0);else%20f();%7D%7D)();


Don\’t worry about the mess of code. All you need to do is drag the link to your \”favorites\” toolbar and it will work on any site you visit!

不用担心代码混乱。 您所要做的就是将链接拖动到“收藏夹”工具栏上,它将在您访问的任何网站上都可以使用!

View Demo观看演示

Jump on over to Script & Style to check out the new look and be sure to grab the Script & Style favelet!

跳转到“ 脚本和样式”以查看新外观,并确保抓住“ 脚本和样式”收藏夹 !



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