


“In the long term, artificial intelligence and automation are going to be taking over so much of what gives humans a feeling of purpose.”


-Matt Bellamy


For years, businesses have been handling their operations and analysis manually, resulting in increased labor costs and paperwork while delivering sub-optimal results. The modern era aims to change all of that with the introduction of Artificial Intelligence.

多年来,企业一直在手动处理其运营和分析,从而导致人工成本和文书工作量增加,同时交付的结果不尽人意。 现代时代旨在通过引入人工智能来改变所有这些情况。

Innovations and improvements in the domain of Artificial Intelligence have produced some of the smartest solutions to problems that were too complex to comprehend. Businesses have begun investing in these smart solutions to not only reduce the time and efforts spent in the process but also to overhaul the entire process to be AI-enhanced. By adopting Artificial Intelligence, businesses can effortlessly automate a chunk of their operations, to focus on making better decisions.

人工智能领域的创新和改进为某些过于复杂而难以理解的问题提供了一些最智能的解决方案。 企业已经开始在这些智能解决方案上进行投资,不仅可以减少流程花费的时间和精力,还可以对整个流程进行全面改进以增强AI。 通过采用人工智能,企业可以毫不费力地自动化其大部分业务,从而专注于做出更好的决策。

顶级人工智能平台 (Top Artificial Intelligence Platforms)

An AI Platform enables businesses to achieve their maximum efficiency by providing numerous benefits, such as taking over redundant tasks, providing deeper insights into data for better decisions, providing efficient data management capabilities, and much more.

AI平台通过提供许多好处 (例如接管冗余任务,对数据提供更深入的见解以做出更好的决策,提供有效的数据管理功能等),使企业能够实现最大的效率。

With businesses continually looking for ways to streamline their output, AI-powered platforms come as a godsend for them. Recent innovations in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have not only allowing organizations to scale their business with the growing needs but also supplied them with the much-needed insight to do so.

随着企业不断寻找简化其输出的方法,基于AI的平台成为了他们的天赐之物。 人工智能和机器学习的最新创新不仅使组织能够根据不断增长的需求扩展业务,而且还为他们提供了急需的洞察力。

Through this article, we would like to shed some light on 10 of the most brilliant AI platforms available that are empowering businesses with smart capabilities.


Google Cloud AI平台 (● Google Cloud AI Platform)

Take your machine learning projects to production


  • Website —

    网站-https : //

  • Best Feature — Help in training, analyzing and tuning your model

    最佳功能 -帮助培训,分析和调整模型

Google offers a broad range of services to businesses that enable them to carry out their operations from the cloud, such as smoother migration to their platform with pre-configured tools, data storage services, management tools, some of the best in class security features, and much more.


Google Cloud AI Platform includes all of the above while offering additional benefits such as, the option to train, deploy and manage various ML models on Google’s top of the line infrastructure using AutoML, along with access to several services and APIs such as Machine Learning Accelerators, Deep Learning, Translations, Vision API, Natural Language Processing, Video Analysis.

Google Cloud AI Platform包括上述所有功能,同时还提供其他好处,例如可以选择使用AutoML在Google的顶级基础架构上训练,部署和管理各种ML模型,并可以访问多种服务和API,例如机器学习加速器,深度学习,翻译,视觉API,自然语言处理,视频分析。

With these tools in your arsenal, your developers and data scientists can effectively create and collaborate on AI-driven solutions for your business that can be deployed seamlessly on-premises or on the cloud.


Some Other Features —


  • Cloud-Based Machine Learning


  • Spam Detection


  • Customer Sentiment Analysis


●TensorFlow (● TensorFlow)

  • Website —

    网站-https : //

  • Functionality — Machine learning

    功能 -机器学习

  • Supported OS/ Languages/Platform — Desktops, Clusters, Mobile, Edge devices, CPUs, GPUs, & TPUs.

    支持的OS /语言/平台-台式机,群集,移动设备,边缘设备,CPU,GPU和TPU。

  • Best Feature — It is for everyone from beginners to experts.


  • Free Trial — Available

    免费试用 —可用

  • Starting Price — Free version

    起始价 —免费版

Developed by the team behind Google Brain, TensorFlow offers Machine Learning capabilities for everyone. Available for a variety of environments such as JavaScript, Mobile, Internet of Things, and Production, TensorFlow allows Developers, Researchers, and Data Scientists to take on complex Machine Learning problems across a variety of platforms, head-on.

由Google Brain背后的团队开发的 TensorFlow为所有人提供机器学习功能。 TensorFlow可用于JavaScript,移动,物联网和生产等各种环境,使开发人员,研究人员和数据科学家能够跨各种平台直接应对复杂的机器学习问题。

With its broad and competent collection of tools, libraries, and APIs, businesses of all skill levels can get into developing some of the most powerful Machine Learning models that open new opportunities for experimentation and analysis. With TensorFlow in their arsenal, businesses don’t just gain the expertise to offer a better experience, but also do so with increased efficiency.

凭借其广泛而有效的工具 , 库和API 集合,各种技能水平的企业都可以开发一些功能最强大的机器学习模型,从而为实验和分析提供新的机会。 借助TensorFlow,企业不仅获得了提供更好体验的专业知识,而且还提高了效率。

Some Other Features —


  • Deep Flexibility


  • True Portability


  • Auto Differentiation


If you are a newbie, then check out this TensorFlow introduction online course.

如果您是新手,请查看此TensorFlow入门在线课程 。

在此处查看顶级Google AI工具- (Check Out Top Google AI Tools Here —)

IBM Watson Studio(加上IBM Watson Machine Learning Studio) (● IBM Watson Studio (Plus IBM Watson Machine Learning Studio))

  • Website —

    网站 —

  • Best Feature — It learns a lot from small data

    最佳功能 -从小数据中学到很多

  • Free Trial — Available

    免费试用 —可用

  • Starting Price — Free version

    起始价 —免费版

Among the top players in the Machine Learning industry, Watson is IBM’s offering to put an end to your business’ Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning needs. Watson Studio provides an all-round solution at all stages of deploying and handling your custom Machine Learning models by covering various aspects, such as defining project goals, data preparation, choosing the right tools, model training, and deployment.

在机器学习行业的顶级公司中,Watson是IBM的产品,可满足您企业对人工智能和机器学习的需求。 Watson Studio通过涵盖各个方面,例如定义项目目标,数据准备,选择正确的工具,模型培训和部署,在部署和处理自定义机器学习模型的所有阶段提供了全方位的解决方案。

Notebooks offer seamless collaboration with team members while providing easy access to your data across several projects. With Watson Studio, Data Scientists and Analysts get access to a world-class collection of tools from IBM, for managing the flowing data, numerous projects, Visual Recognition, Natural Language Processing, model lifecycle automation via AutoAI, and much more.

笔记本可以与团队成员无缝协作,同时可以轻松访问多个项目中的数据。 通过Watson Studio,数据科学家和分析师可以访问IBM提供的世界一流的工具集,用于管理流动数据,众多项目,视觉识别,自然语言处理,通过AutoAI进行模型生命周期自动化等。

Some other Features —


  • See your data


  • Refine Your Data


  • Deep Learning Integration


“Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we’ll augment our intelligence.”

“有人将其称为人工智能,但现实情况是,这项技术将增强我们的实力。 因此,我认为我们将取代人工智能,而不是人工智能。”

Ginni Rometty, Executive Chairman, IBM

IBM执行主席Ginni Rometty

●亚马逊AI服务 (● Amazon AI Services)

Easily add intelligence to applications


Website —

网站 —

Among the key players in the Artificial Intelligence and cloud computing industry, Amazon has an extensive list of services that businesses can utilize to not only gain better insights into their customers but also simplify a broad range of their regular tasks.

在人工智能和云计算行业的主要参与者中,亚马逊提供了广泛的服务列表 ,企业可以利用这些服务不仅可以更好地了解客户,还可以简化广泛的日常任务。

Some of the services offered by Amazon AI include getting personalized recommendations, extracting data from physical copies of documents, generating forecasts using Machine Learning, user identity verification, translation services, and much more. With these services at your disposal, you can be sure to gain advanced analytics and make better decisions.

Amazon AI提供的一些服务包括获取个性化建议,从文档的物理副本中提取数据,使用机器学习生成预测,用户身份验证,翻译服务等等。 使用这些服务,您可以确保获得高级分析并做出更好的决策。

Microsoft Azure(加上Microsoft Machine Learning Studio) (● Microsoft Azure (Plus Microsoft Machine Learning Studio))

  • Website —

    网站 —

  • Functionality — Machine learning

    功能 -机器学习

  • Supported OS/ Languages/Platform — Browser-based

    支持的OS /语言/平台-基于浏览器

  • Best Feature — Model will get deployed as a web service

    最佳功能 -模型将作为Web服务部署

  • Free Trial — Available

    免费试用 —可用

  • Starting Price — Free version

    起始价 —免费版

Azure is a suite of AI-powered efficient tools enabling businesses to operate on a global scale with cost-effective solutions. With Microsoft Azure, organizations get access to an exhaustive collection of services, including cloud computing, IoT, migration options, virtual desktops for remote access, developer tools, enhanced security, and the list goes on.

Azure是一套由AI驱动的高效工具,使企业可以通过具有成本效益的解决方案在全球范围内运营。 借助Microsoft Azure,组织可以访问详尽的服务集合,包括云计算,IoT,迁移选项,用于远程访问的虚拟桌面,开发人员工具,增强的安全性,并且清单还在继续。

With the help of Azure Machine Learning Studio, Data Scientists and Developers can rapidly develop, train, and deploy Machine Learning models while collaborating with the team. Support for competent tools is a major contributing factor to improved efficiency, allowing for better innovations, making Azure one of the best platforms for building and deploying smarter Machine Learning models.

借助Azure机器学习Studio ,数据科学家和开发人员可以在与团队合作的同时快速开发,培训和部署机器学习模型。 对有效工具的支持是提高效率,允许进行更好的创新的主要因素,这使Azure成为构建和部署更智能的机器学习模型的最佳平台之一。

●水 (● H2O)

  • Website —

    网站-https : //

  • Functionality — Machine learning

    功能 -机器学习

  • Supported OS/ Languages/Platform — Distributed in-memory Programming

    支持的OS /语言/平台-分布式内存编程

  • Best Feature — AutoML functionality included


  • Free Trial — 21 Days

    免费试用 — 21天

  • Starting Price — Contact Vendor

    起拍价 —联系供应商

H2O is another AI platform dedicated to making businesses aware of the numerous benefits of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning by giving them access to these services. With its open-source tools, H2O powers major industries in the market, like healthcare, finance, telecommunications, retail, marketing, pharma, and several others.

H2O是另一个AI平台,致力于通过使企业能够访问人工智能和机器学习的众多好处,使他们意识到这些服务。 借助其开源工具,H2O为市场中的主要行业提供动力,例如医疗保健,金融,电信,零售,市场营销,制药等。

By offering detailed analysis and predictions, Artificial Intelligence platforms like H2O can minimize market risks for businesses, driving profits even higher. And with its scalable Machine Learning prowess, it can offer a seamless data ingestion, model training, and deployment for advanced analytics, fraud analysis, and personalized marketing.

通过提供详细的分析和预测,像H2O这样的人工智能平台可以最大程度地降低企业的市场风险,从而提高利润。 凭借其可扩展的机器学习能力,它可以提供无缝的数据摄取,模型训练和部署,以进行高级分析,欺诈分析和个性化营销。

Infosys Nia (● Infosys Nia)

  • Website —

    网站-https : //

  • Functionality — Machine Learning Chatbot

    功能 -机器学习聊天机器人

  • Supported OS/ Languages/Platform —Supported devices: Windows, Mac, & Web-based

    支持的OS /语言/平台—支持的设备:Windows,Mac和基于Web的

  • Best Feature — Deeper insights for better analytics and forecasts

    最佳功能 -更深入的见解,可提供更好的分析和预测

  • Free Trial — Not Available

    免费试用 -不可用

  • Starting Price — Contact Vendor

    起拍价 —联系供应商

Infosys Nia is an AI platform that leverages the power of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence technologies to deliver a unified experience that is both smart and efficient. By superseding their first-gen AI platform Infosys Mana, Infosys Nia bundles a host of individually available services under one roof.

Infosys Nia是一个AI平台,它利用机器学习和人工智能技术的力量提供了既智能又高效的统一体验。 通过取代第一代AI平台Infosys Mana ,Infosys Nia将许多可单独使用的服务捆绑在一起。

Built to offer simplicity and cost-effective solutions, Infosys Nia provides deeper insights for better analytics and forecasts, automation capabilities, root cause analysis, easier migration, data management, and much more, to gain a better understanding of customer behavior. Other standard tools and services from any AI platform such as Natural Language Processing, Optical Character Recognition, Process Automation, and more also come pre-packaged with Infosys Nia.

Infosys Nia旨在提供简单且具有成本效益的解决方案,可提供更深入的见解,以提供更好的分析和预测,自动化功能,根本原因分析,更轻松的迁移,数据管理等,从而更好地了解客户行为。 来自任何AI平台的其他标准工具和服务(例如自然语言处理,光学字符识别,过程自动化等)也已与Infosys Nia预先包装在一起。

Salesforce爱因斯坦 (● Salesforce Einstein)

  • Website —

    网站-https : //

  • Functionality — CRM system

    功能 -CRM系统

  • Supported OS/ Languages/Platform — Cloud-based


  • Best Feature — No need for managing models and data preparation

    最佳功能 -无需管理模型和数据准备

  • Free Trial — 30 Days

    免费试用 — 30​​天

  • Starting Price — Contact Vendor

    起拍价 —联系供应商

Salesforce is among the leading CRM platforms used by thousands of businesses and is a critical part of their operations, keeping everything in check. Salesforce Einstein is an innovative integrated Artificial Intelligence service that helps Salesforce offer smarter analysis to its customers while automating their workflow.

Salesforce是数以千计的企业使用的领先的CRM平台之一,并且是其运营的重要组成部分,可确保一切正常。 Salesforce爱因斯坦是一项创新的集成人工智能服务,可帮助Salesforce在自动执行工作流程的同时为其客户提供更智能的分析。

Dubbed as AI-driven CRM, Einstein aims to delivers better customer insights to its users without letting them worry about the initial setup. By simply adding the customer data into the CRM, Einstein automatically selects the best model for the data and starts giving you customer insights, bringing you one step closer to turning a prospect into a customer.

爱因斯坦被称为AI驱动的CRM,旨在为用户提供更好的客户见解,而无需让他们担心初始设置。 通过将客户数据简单地添加到CRM中,爱因斯坦会自动为数据选择最佳模型,并开始为您提供客户见解,使您将潜在客户转变为客户更近一步。

Wipro Holmes (● Wipro Holmes)

  • Website —

    网站-https : //

  • Free Trial — Not Available

    免费试用 -不可用

  • Starting Price — Contact Vendor

    起拍价 —联系供应商

Holmes is Wipro’s take on AI platform that is built to drive efficiency, speed, and experience. By offering a range of solutions such as cognitive process automation, Natural Language Processing, self-learning, advanced analytics, predictive systems, and much more, Holmes can effortlessly cater to businesses of all scales, keeping them ahead of the competition.

Holmes是Wipro的AI平台,旨在提高效率,速度和体验。 通过提供一系列解决方案,例如认知过程自动化,自然语言处理,自学习,高级分析,预测系统等等,福尔摩斯可以毫不费力地迎合各种规模的企业,使其在竞争中处于领先地位。

Holmes can also be used in several key areas for simplifying development, networking, remote operations, virtual assistants, security, and cloud operations, by offering an instant resolution to problems, ensuring optimum efficiency at all times. With Holmes’ end-to-end smart solutions, businesses can deliver a slowdown-free world-class experience to their customers that feels highly personalized.

Holmes还可以用于多个关键领域,通过即时解决问题并始终确保最佳效率来简化开发,网络,远程操作,虚拟助手,安全性和云操作。 借助Holmes的端到端智能解决方案,企业可以为客户提供高度个性化的无减速世界级体验。

Some other Features —


  • Visual Computing Applications


  • Robotics and Drones


  • Digital Virtual Agents


●雨鸟 (● Rain Bird)

  • Website —

    网站 —

  • Free Trial — Not Available

    免费试用 -不可用

  • Starting Price — Contact Vendor

    起拍价 —联系供应商

If you’re looking for a decision-making system that factors in all the right aspects, Rain Bird might be the right tool for you. Due to its AI-driven decision-making capabilities paired with visual models, Rain Bird makes it possible for businesses like yours to make decisions in a flash.

如果您正在寻找一个将所有正确方面都考虑在内的决策系统,那么Rain Bird可能是适合您的工具。 由于其AI驱动的决策制定能力和可视化模型相结合,Rain Bird使像您这样的企业可以在一瞬间做出决策。

It is suitable for critical scenarios and businesses that run on decisions, such as financial agencies, fraud protection services, and more. Rain Bird lets you piece together every bit of information to create a robust model that serves as the base of your decision-making system, giving you a complete insight into all possible outcomes.

它适用于关键场景和根据决策运行的业务,例如金融机构,欺诈防护服务等。 Rain Bird使您可以汇总所有信息,以创建一个健壮的模型,将其作为决策系统的基础,从而使您可以全面了解所有可能的结果。

Some Other Features —


  • Visual User Interface


  • Smart Data import


  • Natural Language Processing


结论 (Conclusion)

AI platforms are crucial for businesses stepping into the modern era. The benefits they provide, such as hassle-free migration, model building, training and deployment, deeper analytics, automation, forecasting, robust data management capabilities, along with many others, are compelling enough to adopt them. We mentioned some of the top AI platforms and explained several ways they make your business better and smarter so that your business grows with you. If you’re curious to adopt these life-saving benefits into your business, we recommend going through the mentioned AI platforms to see which one suits your needs.

人工智能平台对于步入现代企业至关重要。 它们提供的好处,例如无忧的迁移,模型构建,培训和部署,更深入的分析,自动化,预测,强大的数据管理功能,以及许多其他优点,都足以使其被采用。 我们提到了一些顶级的AI平台,并说明了几种使您的业务更好,更智能的方法,从而使您的业务与您一同成长。 如果您想在企业中采用这些拯救生命的好处,我们建议您浏览上述AI平台,看看哪种适合您的需求。

Note: To eliminate problems of different kinds, I want to alert you to the fact this article represent just my personal opinion I want to share, and you possess every right to disagree with it.

注意: 为消除各种问题,我想提醒您以下事实,即本文仅代表我要分享的个人观点,您拥有反对该观点的一切权利。

更有趣的读物— (More Interesting Readings —)

I hope you’ve found this article useful! Below are some interesting readings hope you like them too-

希望本文对您有所帮助! 以下是一些有趣的读物,希望您也喜欢它们-

About Author


Claire D. is a Content Crafter and Marketer at Digitalogya tech sourcing and custom matchmaking marketplace that connects people with pre-screened & top-notch developers and designers based on their specific needs across the globe. Connect with Digitalogy on Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram.

克莱尔·D 。 是Digitalogy的Content Crafter and Marketinger ,这是一个技术采购和自定义对接市场,根据全球各地的特定需求,将人们与预先筛选和一流的开发人员和设计师联系起来。 在LinkedinTwitterInstagram上与Digitalogy联系

翻译自: 人工智能/

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