
mcq 队列_人工智能密码算法问题能力问答(MCQ)

mcq 队列

1) Which of the following types does the Cryptarithmetic problem belong to?

  1. Encryption Problem

  2. Constraint Satisfactory Problem

  3. Number problem

  4. All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 4
All of the above

The Cryptarithmetic problem belongs to every type of mentioned problem: Encryption problem, Constraint satisfactory problem, as well as Number Problem.


  1. 加密问题

  2. 约束满意问题

  3. 号码问题

  4. 上述所有的




2) Which of the following mentioned properties are valid for a Cryptarithmetic problem?

  1. A number 0-9 is assigned to a particular alphabet.

  2. Each different alphabet has a unique number.

  3. All the same alphabets have the same numbers.

  4. The numbers should satisfy all the operations that any normal number does.


  1. Only iv.

  2. All i., ii., iii. and iv.

  3. ii. and iv.

  4. None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 2
All i., ii., iii. and iv.

All the mentioned properties are valid properties for a Cryptarithmetic problem.


  1. 数字0-9分配给特定的字母。

  2. 每个不同的字母都有一个唯一的数字。

  3. 所有相同的字母具有相同的数字。

  4. 数字应满足任何普通数字所做的所有操作。


  1. 只有iv。

  2. 全部i。,ii。,iii。 iv。

  3. ii。 iv。

  4. 以上都不是


全部i。,ii。,iii。 iv。


3) Which of the mentioned point are not valid with respect to a Cryptarithmetic problem?

  1. Constraints should be taken care of while solving the problem

  2. The text is converted from readable format to non-readable format

  3. If numbers are not sufficient, we can use special symbols like $#@% to encrypt the text

  4. None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 3
If numbers are not sufficient, we can use special symbols like $#@% to encrypt the text

There is no rule in the Cryptarithmetic problems regarding using the special numbers for encryption. We must encrypt the text using the numbers 0-9. Hence, this encryption method is limited to small length texts only.


  1. 解决问题时应注意约束

  2. 文本从可读格式转换为不可读格式

  3. 如果数字不足,我们可以使用$#@%之类的特殊符号来加密文本

  4. 以上都不是



在密码算法问题中,没有关于使用特殊数字进行加密的规则。 我们必须使用数字0-9加密文本。 因此,该加密方法仅限于小长度文本。

4) Consider the following statement:
\”The Cryptarithmetic problem in Artificial Intelligence is a type of encryption problem in which the written message in an alphabetical form which is easily readable and understandable is converted into a numeric form which is neither easily readable nor understandable.\”
By reading the above statement, what are the places where this technique can be applied?

  1. To share passwords

  2. To encode number plates of vehicles

  3. To encode their names by students while filling the answer sheet

  4. None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 1
To share passwords

The Cryptarithmetic problem is an efficient way to share passwords. However, the other things mentioned do not require any encryption, so applying this technique there would be a waste of time.


  1. 共享密码

  2. 编码车辆的车牌

  3. 在填写答题纸时由学生对他们的姓名进行编码

  4. 以上都不是



密码算法问题是共享密码的有效方法。 但是,提到的其他内容不需要任何加密,因此应用此技术将浪费时间。

5) Provide the answer for the following Cryptarithmetic problem:

  1. S=12; E=5; N=6; D=8; M=1; O=0; R=8; Y=2

  2. S=9; E=5; N=6; D=7; M=1; O=0; R=8; Y=2

  3. S=5; E=5; N=6; D=7; M=1; O=0; R=8; Y=2

  4. S=9; E=5; N=9; D=7; M=1; O=0; R=8; Y=2

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 2
S=9; E=5; N=6; D=7; M=1; O=0; R=8; Y=2

Cryptarithmetic problems should be solved, but here we can find the answer to this question through the options itself.

The first option has S=12 which exceeds 0-9 range.The third option has the same value for S and EThe fourth option also has the same values for S and NTherefore, the correct option is b.


  1. S = 12; E = 5; N = 6; D = 8; M = 1; O = 0; R = 8; Y = 2

  2. S = 9; E = 5; N = 6; D = 7; M = 1; O = 0; R = 8; Y = 2

  3. S = 5; E = 5; N = 6; D = 7; M = 1; O = 0; R = 8; Y = 2

  4. S = 9; E = 5; N = 9; D = 7; M = 1; O = 0; R = 8; Y = 2


S = 9; E = 5; N = 6; D = 7; M = 1; O = 0; R = 8; Y = 2



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