


Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the leading cloud technologies being adopted by businesses – and for good reason. It’s a tool that has valuable applications in many sectors, taking raw data and using it to automate processes, personalise experiences and make real-time decisions and predictions. Here, we’ll look at six ways businesses are benefitting from AI. 

人工智能(AI)是企业采用的领先云技术之一,这是有充分理由的。 它是一种在许多领域都有重要应用程序的工具,它可以获取原始数据并将其用于自动化流程,个性化体验并做出实时决策和预测。 在这里,我们将研究企业从AI中受益的六种方式。

(1. Personalised shopping experiences

Offering personalised shopping can help attract and retain customers. So much so, that many of them are willing to provide data in order to receive shopping experiences which are more tailored to their preferences.

提供个性化购物可以帮助吸引和留住客户。 如此之多,以至于他们中的许多人愿意提供数据以接收更适合他们偏好的购物体验。

AI is a key tool for companies wishing to offer personalisation because it can quickly identify patterns in customer browsing and purchase behaviour. Able to analyse the activities of millions of customer behaviours and transactions every day, it can ensure that individual customers are given targeted offers that are highly relevant to their present searches.

人工智能是希望提供个性化服务的公司的关键工具,因为它可以快速识别客户浏览和购买行为的模式。 能够每天分析数百万客户行为和交易的活动,它可以确保为单个客户提供与其当前搜索高度相关的针对性报价。

More than this, by integrating AI with CRM, it helps to ensure that marketing leads are followed up by tailoring individualised sales communications through the most appropriate media and at the best times.


2.实时客户协助 (2. Real-time customer assistance)

Interacting, in real-time, with largenumbers of customers every day can be challenging. AI can be used to interactwith them or send them communications so that they receive the information andupdates they need. This form of assistance is frequently used by logisticscompanies that deliver to customers’ homes and by transport companies, such asbus companies and airlines, who send information about departure times orchanges to schedules.

每天与大量客户进行实时互动可能是一个挑战。 AI可用于与他们互动或向他们发送通讯,以便他们接收所需的信息和更新。 这种形式的协助经常被运到客户家中的物流公司和运输公司(例如公共汽车公司和航空公司)使用,它们发送有关出发时间或时间表变更的信息。

(3. Enabling automation

One of the biggest benefits of AI is thatit enables automated processes to be implemented. Perhaps the most futuristicaspect of this is its ability to control robots in factories; however, it alsohas uses in less hi-tech industries.

人工智能的最大好处之一是它使自动化流程得以实施。 也许最具有未来感的方面是它在工厂中控制机器人的能力。 但是,它在较少的高科技行业中也有使用。

AI can help automate everything from thesending of emails and other communications to automating hotel booking, patientdiagnosis and customer service. Indeed, many websites now use AI chatbotsinstead of real people to help customers with issues. It is estimated that bythe end of the decade over 80% of customer interactions will be taken care ofby AI, including telephone calls, live chat, e-mails and social media messaging.

人工智能可以帮助实现自动化,从发送电子邮件和其他通信到自动化酒店预订,患者诊断和客户服务。 实际上,现在许多网站都使用AI聊天机器人代替了真正的人来帮助客户解决问题。 据估计,到十年末,人工智能将解决80%以上的客户交互,包括电话,实时聊天,电子邮件和社交媒体消息传递。

Through automation, AI can streamline manybusiness processes, reduce the amount of human involvement required and get ridof many of the mundane tasks that employees currently have to undertake.


4.深刻的见解 (4. Deep insights)

Combining the technology of cloud with AIgives companies the potential to analyse huge quantities of data at very deeplevels. One way it does this is through its ability to analyse unstructureddata. On average, only 20 per cent of data held by companies is structured andwithout AI, this is the only data that can be analysed.  AI enables much more of this valuable data tobe leveraged for business intelligence.

将云技术与AI相结合,使公司有潜力在非常深的层次上分析大量数据。 它做到这一点的一种方法是通过其分析非结构化数据的能力。 平均而言,公司持有的数据中只有20%是结构化的,并且没有AI,这是唯一可以分析的数据。 人工智能使更多有价值的数据可用于商业智能。

AI’s ability to mine this data forpreviously unseen patterns means it has the potential to discover unimaginedinsights that can have significant benefits for business development. The otheradvantage is that it can do this swiftly, helping the company bring its idea tomarket quicker.

AI能够以以前看不见的模式挖掘这些数据,这意味着它有潜力发现无法想象的见解,这些见解可以为业务发展带来重大好处。 另一个优势是它可以Swift做到这一点,从而帮助公司更快地将其创意推向市场。

5.做出决定 (5. Making decisions)

Going one step further, not only does AIhelp mine data for new patterns, it can also use the data to make predictionsand informed and accurate decisions. For example, AI is frequently used fortracking system health, helping companies predict when machines are going tofail so that preventative measures can be put in place before disaster strikes.In finance, AI is used to predict rises and falls in stock and currency valuesand can create models which demonstrate the impact of fiscal decisions.

再往前走一步,AI不仅可以帮助挖掘新模式的数据,还可以使用数据做出预测以及做出明智而准确的决策。 例如,AI通常用于跟踪系统的运行状况,帮助公司预测机器何时发生故障,以便在灾难发生前就采取预防措施。 在金融领域,人工智能被用来预测股票和货币价值的涨跌,并可以创建模型来证明财政决策的影响。

Even in marketing, AI can make decisionsabout the best customers to target and the most lucrative offers to give them.When you then add machine learning to the mix, where AI systems learn fromtheir previous processes, the potential is enormous.

即使在市场营销中,人工智能也可以决定要定位的最佳客户和为他们提供最有利可图的报价。 然后,当您将机器学习添加到组合中时,人工智能系统将从其先前的过程中学习,那么潜力是巨大的。

6.预期客户行为 (6. Anticipating customer behaviour)

AI can be used to discover signals incustomer behaviour and correlate these with other data for the benefit of thecompany. For example, it can use data to predict whether a customer has apositive or negative perception of the company or its products. When this issupplied to the company, it can take preventative measures to re-engage thecustomer and strengthen its relationship before the customer goes elsewhere.

人工智能可用于发现客户行为中的信号,并将这些信号与其他数据相关联,以使公司受益。 例如,它可以使用数据来预测客户对公司或其产品有正面还是负面的看法。 当提供给公司时,它可以采取预防措施来重新吸引客户并加强与客户的关系,然后再将客户转到其他地方。

结论 (Conclusion)

As can clearly be seen, the use of AI canbenefit businesses in many ways, providing intelligence, decision-makingcapabilities, automating processes and much more. In doing so, it makescompanies more competitive, reduces costs and streamlines workflow whilehelping them communicate more effectively with their customers.

可以清楚地看到,使用AI可以通过多种方式使企业受益,提供情报,决策能力,流程自动化等。 这样可以使公司更具竞争力,降低成本并简化工作流程,同时帮助他们与客户进行更有效的沟通。



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