

Over the years, surveys have shown the importance of good documentation in how developers choose and use open source.

多年来, 调查表明,良好的文档对于开发人员如何选择和使用开源非常重要。

In the inaugural Google Season of Docs (GSoD) program in 2019, the program received nearly 450 technical writer applications and over 50 technical writers were accepted.


As one of the technical writers who were accepted to participate in the Google Season of Docs program, I thought to share some insights on how to prepare and create a strong application for the GSoD program.

作为被接受参加Google Season of Docs计划的技术作家之一,我想就如何为GSoD程序准备和创建强大的应用程序分享一些见解。

目录 (Table of Contents)

  • What is Google Season of Docs?


  • Who is eligible to participate in the program?


  • Benefits of Participating


  • 5 Tips to ace your GSoD application


  • My GSoD experience


  • Useful resources


什么是Google文档季节? (What is Google Season of Docs?)

Season of Docs is an annual program organised by Google. Its goal is to bring technical writers and open source organisations together to foster collaboration and improvement of documentation in the Open Source space.

Google文件季节是由Google举办的年度计划。 其目标是将技术作家和开放源代码组织召集在一起,以促进开放源代码空间中的协作和文档改进。

This initiative is extremely important because the documentation of an Open Source project provides an avenue for users to not only understand the project but also make contributions to it.


During the program, accepted technical writers spend between 3-5 months either building a new doc set, improving the structure of the existing docs, developing a much-needed tutorial, or improving the contribution processes and guides of an Open Source organisation.


谁有资格参加该计划? (Who is eligible to participate in the program?)

According to Google\’s rules, you must be at least 18 years old at the time of registration. You must also have prior experience as a technical writer and be eligible to work in your country of residence.

根据Google的规定 ,您在注册时必须年满18岁。 您还必须具有作为技术作家的先前经验,并有资格在您所在的国家/地区工作。

If you meet these qualifications, then you can apply to participate in the Google Season of Docs program.

如果您符合这些资格,则可以申请参加Google Docs计划。

参与的好处 (Benefits of Participating)

There are so many benefits that come with participating in the Season of Docs program. Some are:

参加“文档季”计划有很多好处。 一些是:

你可以拿到津贴 (You can get a stipend)

After you\’ve completed the Google Season of Docs program, you get paid a stipend by Google. It is important to note that this stipend is optional so you have to indicate that you want to be paid during the application phase.

完成Google的Google季节计划后,您将获得Google的津贴。 重要的是要注意,该津贴是可选的,因此您必须指出您希望在申请阶段获得付款。

The stipend amount is calculated based on your location. See here for full details about the stipends.

津贴金额是根据您所在的位置计算得出的。 有关津贴的完整详细信息,请参见此处 。

你提高你的技能 (You improve your skills)

Another obvious benefit of participating in the Google Season of Docs program is that it allows you to improve your skills as a technical writer.

参加Google Season of Documents计划的另一个明显好处是,它可以帮助您提高技术作家的技能。

您扩大了网络 (You expand your network)

Other than improving as a technical writer, you also get an opportunity to work with people doing amazing things in the Open source space.


In my case, I got an opportunity to work with the VideoLAN organization and that meant I had to work closely with the president of the organisation and major contributors to the projects.

就我而言,我有机会与VideoLAN组织合作 ,这意味着我必须与该组织的总裁和项目的主要贡献者紧密合作。

您可以获取建议和推荐 (You can get recommendations and referrals)

When applying for any job, having a good recommendation letter often helps to strengthen your application.


Working closely with a mentor on the Season of Docs project presents an opportunity to securing a rich source of recommendations and referrals.


您可以获得未来的机会 (You gain access to future opportunities)

If you are ready to apply for a technical writing role at Google, including your Season of Docs experience in your résumé gives you more advantages compared to other applicants.


您成为开源贡献者 (You become an Open Source contributor)

Aside from all the aforementioned benefits, participating in the season of Docs program means you get to contribute to Open Source projects. This helps the world debunk the stereotype that Open Source Contributions are only meant for Software developers.

除了上述所有好处之外,参加Docs计划的季节意味着您可以为开源项目做出贡献。 这有助于世界揭露“开放源代码贡献”仅适用于软件开发人员的刻板印象。

掌握GSoD应用程序的5条提示 (5 Tips to ace your GSoD application)

Here are 5 tips to help you prepare and create a strong application for the Season of Docs program.


在博客上创建和发布文章 (Create and publish articles on your blog)

One of the most important criteria of getting accepted as a technical writer in the Google Season of Docs program is the ability to show that you have prior writing experience.


Google and the proposed mentors of the project you want to work on need to be convinced that you are the right person to work on the project. This means they want to see a good number of well-written documentation and articles you\’ve created.

Google和您要从事的项目的建议导师必须确信您是从事该项目的合适人选。 这意味着他们希望看到您创建的大量写得很好的文档和文章。

Thankfully, it is not too late to create a blog or publish more content on your already existing blog.


If you already have a blog, it\’s a good idea to publish more well-written articles before, during, and after you\’ve submitted your proposal. If you don\’t have any blog, it is still not too late to create one using Hashnode\’s Devblog or your preferred platform and publish well written articles as well.

如果您已经拥有博客,则最好在提交提案之前,之中和之后发布更多写得很好的文章。 如果您没有任何博客,那么使用Hashnode的Devblog或您喜欢的平台创建一个博客并发布写得很好的文章还为时不晚。

选择正确的开源项目 (Choose the right Open Source project)

Honestly, I can\’t overemphasise the importance of choosing the right Open Source project. This is because it has a strong role to play in getting you into the program.

老实说,我不能过分强调选择正确的开源项目的重要性。 这是因为它在使您进入程序中起着很重要的作用。

Here are my thoughts on choosing the right project:


  • Go through all the approved projects and try to select at least 5 projects you are interested in.


  • After selecting at least 5 projects, scan through again and reduce the projects to a maximum of 3 projects and a minimum of 2 projects.


  • While it may be reasonable to focus on one project during the application phase, I encourage you to apply for at least two projects to improve your chances of getting accepted for at least one project.


  • For each project you choose, join the organizations\’ communication channel, and let the maintainers of the project know about your interest in that project. That way, you will be able to establish a relationship between yourself and the mentor. Also, note that mentors don\’t choose people just because they have the necessary skills. They also select applicants because they believe they can work with them as well. So when you send a message to a mentor, be explicit about exactly what you need and most importantly don\’t get upset that they did not respond immediately because most of the mentors are volunteers who have other full time jobs.

    对于您选择的每个项目,请加入组织的沟通渠道,并让项目的维护者了解您对该项目的兴趣。 这样,您将能够在自己和导师之间建立关系。 另外,请注意,导师不会仅仅因为他们具有必要的技能而选择人。 他们之所以选择申请人,是因为他们相信自己也可以与他们合作。 因此,当您向导师发送信息时,请明确说明您的需求,最重要的是不要因为他们没有立即做出回应而感到沮丧,因为大多数导师都是从事其他全职工作的志愿者。

  • Do not wait to be spoon-fed. Carry out a lot of research about the project. Discover and understand everything you need to know and if you have any concerns, reach out to the proposed mentor of that project for help or ask other members of that community.

    不要等到用汤匙喂食。 对该项目进行了大量研究。 发现并了解您需要了解的所有信息,如果有任何疑问,请联系该项目的建议导师寻求帮助,或咨询该社区的其他成员。

  • Most importantly, write down anything you discover during your research that will be helpful if you get accepted to work on the project or information that will help to improve your proposal.


撰写提案 (Write a proposal)

A lot of people don\’t know this, but writing a proposal is vital. It gives you a clear understanding of the project goal, the timeline it will take for you to complete the project, what you need to know, and so on.

很多人不知道这一点,但是编写提案至关重要。 它使您清楚地了解项目目标,完成项目所需的时间表,需要了解的内容,等等。

Aside from that, writing a proposal also shows your mentor your goals for the project, why you believe you are the right person for the role, your experience, project timelines, and more.


After writing your proposal, send it to the mentor of the project for review. Their review will help you know the project requirements from the mentor\’s point of view. I have added a link to my Google Season of Docs proposal in the Resources section.

编写建议后,将其发送给项目的指导者进行审核。 他们的审查将帮助您从导师的角度了解项目要求。 我在参考资料部分中添加了指向“我的Google文档季”提案的链接。

对开源组织做出至少一项贡献 (Make at least one contribution to the Open Source Organization)

The Season of Docs program is not like Google Summer of Code where you are required to make at least one contribution to the Open Source project of interest. But making a contribution can definitely improve your chance of getting accepted, so try to do so.

“文档季节”计划与Google的“代码之夏”计划不同,在Google的“代码之夏”计划中,您需要为感兴趣的开源项目做出至少一项贡献。 但是做出贡献绝对可以增加您被接受的机会,因此请尝试这样做。

申请截止日期后继续在社区中活跃 (Stay active in the community after the application deadline)

After submitting your application, try to stay active in that Open Source organization. This shows the mentors that you are passionate about that project and that Open Source community at large.

提交您的申请后,请尝试在该开源组织中保持活跃。 这表明导师对这个项目以及整个开源社区充满热情。

我的GSoD经验 (My GSoD experience)

During the GSoD program last year, I was opportune to work with the VideoLAN organization on the project Modernize (rewrite) the VLC user documentation.


After my proposal was accepted by the VideoLAN organization, my mentors and I agreed on the goals that I was expected to achieve during the Google Season of Docs program.

VideoLAN组织接受了我的建议后,我的导师和我就我在Google Docs计划期间有望实现的目标达成了一致。

These were my goals:


  1. Restructure the documentation.


  2. Update the documentation to fit the modern versions of VLC.


  3. Migrate the user documentation to Gitlab using Sphinx and ReadtheDocs.


  4. Remove obsolete images and information.


  5. Rewrite the user documentation to make it easy to understand.


  6. Set it up for translation using Sphinx Internationalization.


I learned a lot more about the VideoLAN organization and VLC, I found out that VLC has more features I never knew about, and I learned how to use the Sphinx documentation platform and restructure text.


My technical writing skills also improved tremendously as well. Overall, participating in the Google Season of Docs program was one of the best things that happened to me in 2019.

我的技术写作技巧也大大提高了。 总体而言,参加Google Season of Docs计划是我在2019年遇到的最好的事情之一。

有用的资源 (Useful resources)

Find below a list of useful resources to help you learn more about the Season of Docs program and Technical Writing.


  • My Accepted Season of Docs proposal


  • Google Season of Docs Project Report


  • Open Source Contributions: A catalyst for Growth


  • Technical Writer\’s Guide


  • Season of Docs Slack channel

    Docs Slack频道的季节

  • Awesome Technical Writing


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