For further process we need to know something about it,
We are creating a model in Laravel just because of creating a logical structure and relation between them.
The model handles the MVC framework which is based on the web-based application.
Each database has a model that is used to interact with another table.
Laravel模型 (Model in Laravel)
Now, create new model named \’post\’ model,
现在,创建一个名为“ post”模型的新模型,
Open the CMD and run this command for creating a model: $ php artisan make:model Post
打开CMD并运行以下命令来创建模型: $ php artisan make:model Post
Path: app/providers/post.php (declare our table if your table is not procedural)
路径 : app / providers / post.php(如果您的表不是程序性的,则声明我们的表)
Example: Model/post.php
示例:Model / post.php
Class Post extends Model{Protected $PrimaryKey = \'id\';Protectted $table = \'posts\';Protected $fillable = [\'title\',\'body\'];}
Here, $table is a table name. In the Model primary key is by default id.
在这里, $ table是一个表名。 在Model中,主键默认为id 。
Protected $PrimaryKey =\"id\"
$fillable is another variable in Laravel because we have to fill or insert the data in title and body columns. It\’s a column variable name only.
$ fillable是Laravel中的另一个变量,因为我们必须在title和body列中填充或插入数据。 它仅是列变量名称。
In this article, we have learnt about the model in Laravel. I hope you understood the concept, we will know more about it in the up coming articles. Have a great day! Happy Learning!
在本文中,我们了解了Laravel中的模型。 希望您理解这个概念,我们将在以后的文章中进一步了解它。 祝你有美好的一天! 学习愉快!