create or replace synonym Pro_MMM_GetAutoincrement
for JHMMM.Pro_MMM_GetAutoincrement;
select \’create or replace synonym \’||t.TABLE_NAME ||\’ for \’ ||t.OWNER || \’.\’||t.TABLE_NAME ||\’;\’ from dba_tables t
where owner = \’JHMMM\’
select \’delete from \’||t.TABLE_NAME ||\’;\’ from dba_tables t
where t.owner = \’JHHMS\’ and t.TABLE_NAME like \’QUALITY%\’
select \’drop synonym \’||t.TABLE_NAME ||\’;\’ from dba_tables t
where owner = \’JHMMM\’
select \’drop table \’ || t.TABLE_NAME || \’;\’ col1,\’create table \’ || t.TABLE_NAME ||
\’ as select * from \’ || t.TABLE_NAME || \’@db_link_84;\’ col2
from all_tables@db_link_84 t
where t.OWNER = \’JHHMS\’
and t.TABLE_NAME like \’EDU_%\’